Page 28 of Suspicion

“I don’t think so.”

His balls tightened as he drank in the tight tee shirt that had been hidden under her sweater. He could tell precisely where the water had drenched through the fabric, and the thin layer of clothing left little to his imagination. Beneath the tee was an outline of her bra, and even through that, Tucker could see her pebbling nipples.

In response to the cold. He drew in a sharp breath. It’s not because she finds me attractive. The realization rattled in his head. It doesn’t matter.

Whatever the cause, Ella was breathtaking.

“Drink up.” Collecting the cup, he moved toward her again, already certain what the outcome of his next actions would be.

Sure, Ella might benefit from another sip or two, the water refreshing her dry throat, but the majority of the remaining fluid was destined for somewhere other than her mouth. Tucker wanted to see her standing there, her body stretched to the roof while her fabulous breasts were outlined by her drenched tee shirt.

He couldn’t remember ever wanting anything more.

When he woke that morning, he’d have told the passive observer that his major pleasures were this simple life, complemented by the return of the assets he was owed. That he’d left all other desires behind him, but no—he would have been wrong. Now, he sought Ella’s denigration even more.

“St-stop!” she spluttered around the rim, running her feet back a few inches in an attempt to dodge the incoming cup, although naturally, her efforts were futile.

Ella could only flee a small distance in any direction, whereas he could move anywhere and any way he wanted. She’d take the water he offered, whatever her opinion.

“Now, now.” He practically laughed as he tipped the water over her. His shaft swelled as she struggled against the current. Her head thrashing from side to side seemed only to invite more of the fluid directly to the destination he most craved. Within moments, the front of her tee was soaked, the fabric eating up the spreading liquid as if it, too, was thirsty. “Let me give you what you need.”

“You bastard!” Jaw hanging open, she looked dumbfounded as she processed what had just happened. “Look what you’ve done!”

It was an exceptionally poor choice of words. The one thing Tucker was doing was looking. Discarding the cup into a nearby bale of hay, he glanced back at her, reveling in her distress and sodden clothing.

“I’m soaking.” She heaved in a breath.

“I see that.” Moving closer, he was able to see the complete outline of her puckered teats, their presence goading him to act even further.

“I’ll freeze.” Her eyes conveyed simultaneous outrage and misery.

“It gets surprisingly warm in here.” Maybe it was only him, but he couldn’t recall being so hot for a long time. The heat seemed to be coming in waves, amplified by the growing arousal in his pants.

“You can’t leave me like this.” Sniffing back her raging emotions, she met his eyes. “Tucker, please!”

“You’re right.” Completely mesmerized by her dilemma, he stepped forward. “I couldn’t possibly leave you like this.”

Reaching for her right breast, he trailed a lazy fingertip around the mound, circling over the top of her wet tee until he grazed the shape of her nipple.

“What the fuck are you doing?” Evidently, she was less enthusiastic about his attention than he was.

Shame. His lips twisted. He was loving every bloody minute of admiring her incredible body.

“Taking care of you.” His free hand rose to mirror the same actions with her other breast, and before long, both thumbs and forefingers skimmed her taut buds, teasing them through the material.

Her tiny whimpers filled the air, her eyes widening as her body responded to his touch. For one scintillating moment, time appeared to halt as her nipples lengthened between his digits.

“Stop.” Her previously angry tone had shifted into a low gasp. An indication of her own need, perhaps? Or maybe he was only dreaming. “You have no right.”

Rights? That was a laughable idea for a woman who’d been passed from one man to another without her assent.

“I told you.” Locking gazes with her, he smiled. “You’re mine, Ella, and that means these tits are mine as well.”

Brushing a hand down the length of her wet tee, he grasped the hem of the top and jerked it up to follow the path of the sweater. Dangling from her ropes, the captivating Ella found herself abruptly topless, save for the soaked silky bra clinging to her tempting goosing skin.

Chapter Two
