Page 93 of Vicious Throne

More like forever.

I tried to speak, tried to tell him I liked him like this too, but all that came out were one-word sentences.

Harder. Deeper. More. Please.

But Grey didn’t need more than that. He’d always known exactly what I needed and played my body like he’d memorized every cheat code to it. When I came again, it was with his name on my lips.

Grey eased me through the orgasm, pumping into me with slow, hard rolls of his hips that felt so goddamn good. It was like the climax that never ended. I tipped my head back, and I tried to keep my body from shivering when movement to the side of the booth stole my attention.

In the shadows, a man watched us with wide eyes and trembling fingers. He looked like he wanted to run just as much as he wanted to touch himself. Like he knew we were the last people he should be peeping on, but he couldn’t look away.

My pussy clenched. Something about the lust and fear on his face turned me on. “Grey.”

“That’s it, baby. Tell us who’s inside you.” He shuddered through his orgasm, neck straining in release.

“No, Grey.”

His eyes, which had been focused on where our bodies met, immediately lifted to mine. As soon as they did, his attention shifted to where I was looking. I could tell he saw the man too, when his fingers clenched on my thighs. “We’ve got a watcher.”

Nate’s head barely moved, but the little voyeur’s face drained. He dropped his drink on the nearest table and hightailed it out of the building.

Dominic laughed, but it was tainted with something unhinged. “Good riddance.”

Grey slipped out of my body, tucking himself away as I whimpered, but I wasn’t empty for long. Nate lifted me enough to notch himself inside before he let go and dropped me on his cock. Gravity meant I took every inch of him at once, and it sucked the air from my lungs. “God, you’re so big.”

“That’s it, baby. Stroke his ego.” Grey winked when Nate flipped him off, which only lasted until I laughed. Then both of us were too busy moaning to care what the others did.

And they were plotting.

Greyson had moved over to Dominic’s side, and they were whispering over the former’s phone while I adjusted to Nate. I felt a little pain, but mostly a lot of pleasure.

“What’re you doing over there?”

“You’re not keeping her entertained enough, Black,” Dominic teased, and Nate lifted me up and dropped me right back on his cock, watching me squirm when my ass met his hips.

It felt so good when he did that. Borderline too much, but my men made the hurt feel good. And the show of strength when he picked my whole body up like that? Mini orgasms, I swear.

“Don’t worry about them.” Nate forced my legs wider with his, giving Dominic and Grey a full view of him inside me. “They’re just taking care of our unwanted guest.”

The watcher.

Oh shit.

“You think he liked what he saw, angel? Liked seeing this perfect pussy stretched around our cocks? I bet he heard the way you begged for more too. Our filthy queen.”

“Yes,” I breathed, unsure how I felt about it. On the one hand, I liked the idea of being caught. On the other, I didn’t want anyone but my men seeing me vulnerable. It felt wrong. I was theirs.

Nate’s laugh drifted over my lips when he hauled my head back again. The movement caused me to lift on my toes. Exactly what he wanted. As I held myself above him, Nate fucked me from below, making sure I got every inch of him as he did. “Good. Everyone should have a memorable last moment on earth.”

“What?” I was too focused on the building sensations in my core, desperately reaching for the pleasure just out of reach, to understand what he meant.

“You think we’re going to let him live after that? He watched our woman come. Saw this perfect body spread out for us.” Nate leaned back just as Dominic reached over and smacked my clit so hard I folded in half.


He gripped my chin, hauling me back up again.

“No one gets to see you but us, mariposa, and they certainly don’t get to survive if they do.”