Page 86 of Vicious Throne

He tapped on the keyboard, and the main screen changed. It took only a moment for me to realize what I was seeing.

“Is that the penthouse?”

It was almost strange to see the Celestine again, not to mention the psychopath stalking through it.

Grey nodded. “He broke in five minutes ago.”

My eyes lifted in surprise, and I watched, detached, as Cash destroyed our suite.

He threw tables and broke chairs. He took a bat to the TVs and pissed on the couches. That wasn’t even mentioning what he did when he found my room. Grey and I were silent as he went batshit on our former home.

Knowing I’d pushed him to it, if only to prove to himself that he had a leg up on me, I let it happen. No use losing good men when he was throwing another temper tantrum. It was all stuff that could easily be replaced anyway. When he disappeared into the bathroom, I looked at my man. “Find out how he got upstairs.”

“Already on it,” Grey said. “He could have duplicated Cameron’s keycard access.”

“I thought we blocked his access to any floors but his own?”

“We did, but Cash could’ve forced the stairwell open.”

Humming, I decided that made the most sense. “Any casualties?”



Grey pulled up another screen, and we watched as the security team lined up in front of the penthouse. Cash paused his destruction, cocking his head like a golden retriever hearing his favorite squeaky toy. By the time security broke down the door like a SWAT team, ready and willing to take Cash dead or alive, he was already moving.

Knowing Nate had climbed from the roof, I wondered how Cash was getting out. As my men filtered into the apartment, we watched as Cash slipped out a window and disappeared from the frame.

“Did he climb down?”

Grey switched camera views to the blind spot Nate had manipulated to get to me. “Looks like he parachuted.”

Are you fucking kidding me? “I thought people only did that shit in movies.”

“Apparently not.”

Sure enough, Cash was already halfway down the block, his body completely covered by the fabric of his parachute. The little psycho didn’t seem to care that any malfunction could’ve meant his death. His unpredictability worried me. How did we beat someone who didn’t give a shit if he lived or died?

“Fucking Beckstroms.”

Grey laughed, and we watched as our men cleared the penthouse before surveying the damage.

Too bad the parachute didn’t fail. Even as I thought it, I knew our story would end in bloodshed and pain. That was fine, though. No matter what it took, I intended to be the last one standing.

Chapter Twenty-Three


“We need to evacuate the city.”

Since Cash had broken into the Celestine, we’d agreed to leave the new house only if absolutely necessary, so all four of us were crammed inside the security room for a video call we’d been dreading. The room was a smaller version of Greyson’s office, with walls packed with monitors and enough desks for each of us to have one if we chose. This time, we crowded around Mari while her capos filled three of the screens, each showing various levels of disbelief and shock.

A heavy moment of stunned silence descended on the meeting.

Mathias cleared his throat when it was clear no one else was going to speak. “How are we supposed to do that?”

Mari shrugged, fingers tapping on her leg. “Tell the press there’s a gas leak or a landslide. Say a potential tsunami’s coming in. Hell, tell them the fault’s rumbling and we’re about to get a catastrophic earthquake. I don’t give a fuck how you spin it. Just get the civilians out of Seattle.”