Page 68 of Vicious Throne

I knew what Nate was asking, and I clung to his arm, giving him whatever strength I could.

Greyson watched him steadily. “You’re the last line of defense. If we go down, I know you’ll get her out.”

Dominic nodded, and I held my breath as I felt Nate’s heart pounding behind me. When he swallowed, it was thick enough to hear. “I don’t take this for granted.”

This. Our family. Their trust.

Grey softened, coming over to clap Nate on the shoulder. “I know.”

Dominic rolled his eyes like the giant teenager he truly felt like sometimes. “We get it. You’re happy to be home. Can we move on already?”

Nate laughed, squeezing me once before he hauled me over his shoulder so fast I lost my breath. I lost it even more when his hand slipped between my legs. “I want to see this orgy-sized bed.”

Boosting myself up, I could see how excited the other two were as they stalked behind us. Dominic crept closer, holding my chin in his hand while he laid another kiss against me.

“We’re going to make you scream our names, mariposa. It’s the only way to christen these walls.”

Twisting my fingers into his hair, I bit his bottom lip. “I can get behind that.”

It was dark by the time the doorbell rang. All my men looked as deliciously mussed as I felt, their hair in that just-fucked tangle that always appeared more artful on them than the rat’s nest I ended up with.

“Put a shirt on!” I snapped when Dominic slipped on his jeans and went off to get our dinner without even bothering to button them. All it would take was one slight adjustment and his dick would be hanging out for anyone to see.

Oh, hell no. That’s my cock.

He turned back, eyes full of mischief when I growled. “And if I don’t?”

“I’ll superglue the fucking thing on you.”

The longer he stood there, the more I realized he was going to do it anyway, and I did not want whoever was out there ogling his half-naked body. The jealousy I thought I’d kicked reared up, but it was tempered by a fuck-ton of possession. These men were mine. They each had a tattoo to prove it. I wouldn’t allow him to flaunt himself to some random bitch on my porch.

“Put on the fucking shirt before I have to gouge the poor delivery driver’s eyes out for looking at what’s mine.”

He grinned, sauntering closer to brush his lips against mine. “Am I yours, Mari?”

“That tattoo on your skin says yes. Don’t fight me on this, Dominic.”

“But it’s so much fun.” He snatched the shirt Nate threw at him out of the air and slipped it on, winking at me when he was covered. “I like it when you’re possessive, mariposa. Keep it up.”

“You won’t like it as much when I chain your ass to my side.”

“Oh, kinky.”

I tried to throw something at him, but he was too far away. Asshole definitely had a bounce to his step when he left too.

I was grumbling when the others closed ranks around me.

“Come on, baby. Let’s get some food.” Nate wrapped an arm around my shoulders, while Greyson grabbed my hand, his fingers playing over my wedding ring as we walked downstairs together. By the time we made it to the spacious kitchen, Dominic had unloaded our order.

Dominic, Grey, and I had been fine with eating whatever we had, but apparently, Nate had a tradition he wouldn’t budge on. Hence the insane number of pizza boxes on our counter.

He slapped the island beside him, and I jumped up, watching their eyes darken as Grey’s T-shirt stretched across my thighs. He sidled up to me, twisting the hem in his fingers.

“Gotta say, I like you in my clothes, reina.”

Considering it was all I was wearing, he’d better. Smiling coyly, I wrapped my hand around his neck and drew his mouth down to me. “I like being in them.”

“You just proved you’re a possessive wife, mariposa. Can we eat now? Someone made me work hard earlier, and I’m starved.”