Page 66 of Vicious Throne

“No, but that’s all we’ve got right now. We need Cash neutered, and this is one step to getting it done.”

Nodding, I rested my head on hers for another minute, just needing to feel her against me.

Mari’s okay. She’s safe. We’re all safe.

And Cash would be reeling from what we’d accomplished. Not too bad for a night’s work.

When the SUV pulled up, I opened the door and held out my hand. “Let’s go home, angel.”

Mari grinned, letting me pull her close for a kiss. “Absolutely. I think it’s time to celebrate what a great night we had.”

Her eyes glittered as she climbed into the back seat and beckoned me to follow. I had my shirt off before the door closed behind me.

Oh, hell yes.

Chapter Eighteen


The night of the raid was our last night in the Celestine. Making moves against Cash was always going to be dangerous, but the added instability of my own family made it even more necessary for us to have a place to disappear to. A place that no one knew about.

We moved around here and there for a week, staying in safe houses Greyson had set up so we didn’t shine a spotlight on our new place. It was only because of luck, a shit-ton of money, and Greyson’s extraordinary multitasking skills that one of the new houses we’d bought was finished in time. I knew how stressful it’d been for him, but honestly, he was the only person I trusted with the project—and for good reason.

He’d absolutely nailed it.

The outside of our new home looked like a massive Craftsman, but the inside was a completely different story.

“There’s a gym at the far end of the first floor, an indoor and outdoor pool so we have all-weather access to the water and hot tubs to soak our muscles away.”

I could get behind a nightly hot-tub routine, and Dominic’s waggling eyebrows said he was down for completely different reasons.

Grey led us to the garage. The place was big enough for all of our cars and then some, but I knew his smile was for something else entirely. He took us to the far wall, where a massive cabinet loomed.

“Are you getting interested in car restoration? Because I’m not sure I need to see all the tools required.” I eyed the metal monstrosity like it was going to fall and crush us, even knowing Grey would never let that happen.

“I’ll leave that to Dominic.” With the handle in his palm, Grey slid his finger across the metal, revealing a hinge lever where the lock should’ve been. He pressed his thumb down, and a flash of green preceded a faint click. I watched in awe as the cabinet doors opened.

“Why do you have a fingerprint scanner in the garage cabinet?” I asked, only to get the answer when Grey stepped inside the cabinet and, after another scan of his thumb, shoved the back open. “A rabbit hole?”

He nodded. “It’s an escape route first and foremost, but there’s something else I think you’ll like more.”

Grey held out his hand, helping me down the stairs even though I was perfectly capable of doing it myself. I had a feeling he just wanted me close. When we hit the bottom, he flipped a switch, and light surrounded us, showing me a?—

Oh my God. “Is that what I think it is?” There was no hiding how excited I was.

“If you think it’s an indoor shooting range, then yes.” Grey’s grin was so pleased, I couldn’t help but smile back.

“How the fuck did you manage that?” Nate asked as he stepped farther into the basement.

“This place was built by rich preppers, so it already had the bones of what we needed.”

I didn’t remember anything in the real estate listings about preppers, but I’d been distracted and angry. They could’ve said Willy Wonka built the place, and I wouldn’t have batted an eye.

“We renovated some of their bolt-holes and created plenty of places to hide weapons caches and even disappear, if needed. I can’t tell you how many panic rooms I found before we came across the second basement, but the moment I saw it, I knew exactly what I wanted to do.”

Grey moved along the walls, showing off hidden cabinets and running his hand lovingly over the surfaces. “We reinforced the walls and soundproofed them, so we can shoot whenever we want without worrying about the cops showing up. Plus, we know we won’t shoot a pipe or something by mistake. The far wall has an extra escape hatch for emergencies, too.”

He showed it to us, though I hoped we’d never have to use it. Nate immediately agreed it was a good idea, but Dominic frowned. “Why so many ways out?”