Page 63 of Vicious Throne

“Outside’s clear,” Kieran muttered, head swiveling as we took in the empty landscape. “Cash doesn’t have much protection here.”

“He does. They’re just inside.” He stared at me, and I shook my head. “He wants this place to look abandoned. Armed guards roaming the grounds will give the opposite impression.”

I was tempted to ask if Kieran had men guarding every building in his territory, but it wasn’t the time. Not to mention, I wasn’t sure if I liked the asshole. No use giving him free advice if we were going to kill him later. Then we’d have to work harder.

Once the grounds were clear, we waited just long enough for our men to surround the building before setting up next to the door. “Breaching in three, two, one.”

Kieran and I moved in sync, opening the door and diving on the two closest men. Stealth had its place and we were working hard to maintain it, but eventually, we were going to lose the element of surprise. I just hoped we cleared the warehouse before someone called in the cavalry.

Ajilon moved to my other side, sandwiching me between the other two leaders, and I fought down the anxiety curling around my shoulders. They weren’t stupid enough to plan a hit on me right now, were they?

No. Mari made it clear that she’d kill anyone who came for me.

I didn’t like it though, and the small smirk on Kieran’s face said he knew it.

Cheeky fucker.

Ajilon lifted his gun, taking out two snipers from the rafters before ducking behind a stack of crates to get two more. We’d put silencers on the guns, but anyone who knew what to listen for would be able to identify the muffled sounds.

“Clear the building,” I said.

With a nod, Kieran directed half the men to fan out and clear the left side of the building while we took the other half to the right.

Although I’d never been in the warehouse before, I knew what to look for. Neurotic or not, Cash was a creature of habit. He liked his drugs to be well-hidden yet easily accessible to him. When we found the office, I knew exactly where to go.

The coat closet looked normal until I peeled away the back wall.

“I fucking hate rabbit holes,” Kieran muttered. “How likely is it he’s got men down here?”

“He’ll have two, but no more.”

That got me twin frowns from him and Ajilon, who kept position by the office door. “Why not?”

“Because that means trusting them not to take his drugs, and he no longer does.” After the issues with Cooper and Renaldi, Cash had taken his drugs underground. He kept the actual stashes separate from the cut houses to avoid any more incidents.

I couldn’t do much while I was with him, but making Cash paranoid enough to give us this chance to go after him was worth every day in that hellhole. It had taken time—so much time—but I’d slowly dripped information into my brother’s ear related to my “suspicions” about his dealers and the men he used to keep the drugs safe. He wasn’t even mad they were stealing his money—he was pissed they stole his dope.

Cooper and Renaldi had been strung up by sunrise, and the cut houses were disbanded by sundown. An entire system destroyed in a day.

“Green team, cleared.” Mari’s voice came as I took my first steps into the darkness, and I let out a relieved breath.

“Black team, cleared.” Grey’s response a second later was another weight off my shoulders.

“White team approaching the stash,” Ajilon answered quietly.

The three of us crept through the tunnel, keeping our steps light and our guns raised. Who knew what nasty surprises Cash had waiting for us.

The first came when we hit the end of the tunnel and peeled the next wall back. Bright light blinded us long enough for someone to send a punch to my jaw and another to my gut. I ducked out of the way, blinking fast to get my eyes to adjust again. I was still seeing shadows when I shoved up from the ground and rammed myself into the stomach of the guard who’d come after me.

Gunshots exploded in the hidden basement, and I grunted as my ears rang. Thank God for ear protection. Otherwise, we’d have been screwed.

We tumbled over each other, trading blows and hissed curses until I got an opening and took it. He feinted to the left, hoping to distract me for an uppercut. I mirrored him, letting him take the swing but dodging at the last second. Instead of punching him, I took a knife from my belt and buried it in his neck. Warm blood coated my skin as I twisted the blade, making sure it was a kill shot. The last thing we needed was him surviving and coming back for us.

“Did you have to make it messy?” Kieran asked, brushing some of the splatter that had gotten on his clothes. “I almost made it out of here clean.”

“What can I say? My girl likes me in blood,” I said flippantly. Mari’s irritated grunt hit my ears, and I grinned. She was going to kill me later.

Worth it.