Page 26 of Vicious Throne

“He must’ve followed us home. We need to double-check security at the medical center.”

“The center’s fine. I just checked,” Two-Bit assured me. “No Aces within ten blocks of the place.”

“So, how did he know?”

“He’s probably had eyes on the Celestine the whole time. If he didn’t before Nate defected, he definitely does now.”

So, when they’d seen us come home, they’d doubled-checked the hospital and realized they’d been duped. Cash being Cash made it everyone’s problem. It made sense, but for someone who was being hunted by the Feds, Cash sure wasn’t being quiet with his moves. Made me wonder if he gave a fuck at all. Maybe that cartel connection of his was worth more than just drugs.

It was at the top of my list to figure out exactly who that connection was and remove him from it.

I crossed the room, slipping between Nate and the window and wrapping myself around him. “It isn’t your fault.”

“It is.”

“Anything that happens right now is his decision, Nate. You can’t control him.”

“I should’ve killed him before now.” When he realized I wasn’t going to let him go, he squeezed me tighter than he normally would have. I didn’t mind, though. I needed the hug just as much. “I should’ve poisoned him or suffocated him or blown up his fucking car.”

“If you’d tried, you’d be dead and so would we. I’m sure Cash has contingencies for everything.”

Nate didn’t need to agree for me to know I was right. He dropped his head to my shoulder, burrowing into my neck with a frustrated sigh. “He’s not going to stop, angel. Grey’s not here and my brother is gunning for us and it all feels like too much.”

“He was never going to stop,” I said softly. “Not unless we put him down. We’ll get Greyson back as soon as we can, and then we’ll make a plan to get rid of Cash for good.”

Two-Bit cleared his throat. “As much as I enjoy the optimism, there are more urgent matters than your psychopathic brother.” When he had all of our attention, he smiled uncomfortably. “I’ve been nominated as the messenger.”

“Meaning?” Dominic asked carefully.

“The other leaders sat down with Cash as soon as the news broke. They’ve entered into a truce.”

Shock held my tongue, but my men didn’t seem to have the same issue. All three of them went off, yelling obscenities and spitting vitriol. Even Grey had his turn, cursing every single one of them to the grave and back.

I was fine to let them blow off steam, but Two-Bit raised his hand for silence. “They’re scared. They can see just as well as we can that he’s getting sicker and sicker. They’re just trying to survive.”

“They’re cowards,” Dominic snarled.

Seemed to be a recurring phenomenon among the men in my city.

“The deal?” I asked tiredly. I was done with all of this. I’d take Cash out, even if I did it alone, but I was going to make everyone who refused to help pay after.

“He leaves them alone, and they’ll return the favor.”

I expected it, but I was still frustrated. “So, we’re on our own now.”

“More than you think,” Two-Bit agreed.


“Meaning, the Wolf is getting testy that his heir won’t return home. Your uncle better figure out his allegiances before he ends up dead or replaced.”

Part of me wanted to ask about his relationship with Rafael, but like the cartel leader Cash worked with, I had a feeling Two-Bit wouldn’t say a word. Cousin or not.

“I hadn’t realized he was still in town.” We hadn’t spoken since our argument. I didn’t have time to coddle my grown uncle while he played both me and my grandfather.

“I’m sure he’s aware, though,” Nate said diplomatically, knowing I wasn’t going to reach out to Rafael. “He’s a big boy who knew what he was risking if he stayed in town against Emmanuel’s wishes.”

“Very well. I just wanted to be sure you knew.” Two-Bit stood, adjusting his clothes as he headed for the door, only to stop before he left.