Page 21 of Vicious Throne

“If it’ll help, fight me.”

Crossing my arms, I twisted to face him with a huff. “Why would I do that? You’ll let me win, hoping I forgive you.”

“I want to earn your forgiveness, Dominic. That includes your respect. Letting you beat me doesn’t get it.”

Did I believe him? Not even remotely, but it wasn’t a bad idea. I didn’t know how Mari was going to respond, but I wanted to put him down for what he’d done. Maybe if I humiliated him enough, I’d find that I was right. He hadn’t changed at all. Hell, maybe he’d leave, and we could figure out our lives, just the three of us. I didn’t mind sharing with Grey anymore, though I’d never admit it.

He’d earned my loyalty; Nate had lost it.

Part of me wondered if, after it was over, I’d find it easier to be around Nate if he did stay. What do you have to lose?


“Get in the ring.”

The faintest smile crossed his face, but it was gone before I blinked. “Gloves?”

“Wraps.” I wanted to feel his skin break under me, but I wasn’t stupid enough to risk an injury right now. Not while Cash was attempting to surround us. “Hurry up.”

In minutes, we were circling each other in the ring, both ready to pounce.

Nate bounced on his toes, stretching out his body as he went. “First blood?”

Scoffing, I countered, “Tap out.”

This late at night, no one was around to referee. We were counting on the other to be honorable and stop when we said. If he tapped, I’d end the fight. But Nate had to bleed for what he did to Mari. To me. If she wouldn’t seek justice against him, I would.

It felt like the only way to move on.

We met in the middle, bumped fists, and jumped back. The circling continued with Nate feinting a few jabs here and there to get me to move. Finally, I saw an opening and leaped, cracking my knuckles against his cheek.

Once I started, I couldn’t stop. As the punches poured out, so did the words, and we went round after round.

“You fucked up.” I went for another one, but Nate blocked it, lobbing one of his own that got my ribs. He’d pulled his punch, as expected, but knowing he didn’t want to injure me either made me wish I could let myself go all the way. That I could cause whatever damage I needed to get the poison out of my bloodstream.

The rage that I’d bottled up ached, and I needed it out.

As if he could see that, his next punch hurt more. He’d stopped holding back as much. Thank God. After that, we traded blows.

“You hurt her.” Right cross.

“I did.” Block.

“You betrayed her.” Uppercut.

“I did.” Left cross.

“You betrayed us.” Block. Jab. Jab.

Those got him, and he stumbled back.

“I did.” His voice cracked, but I was too far gone to care about anything beyond the feeling of meting out justice. While he tried to gather himself, I struck him like lightning, taking us both to the floor and raining punches wherever I could hit.

Punch. Punch. Punch. “You were my brother. I accepted you because you swore you wouldn’t hurt her, and look at us now. How can I trust you with her? With any of us?”

Block. Shift. Block. “You can’t yet, but I’m not going to do it again, Dominic. Hell, I wouldn’t have done it if I’d had a choice in the first place.”

He tried to shove me off, but I held fast, hitting him in the shoulder enough to hear a small pop. Before I could grimace, his shoulder popped again. Not dislocated, but close. Too close. Rein it in or Mari’s gonna be pissed.