Page 130 of Vicious Throne

“Him and everyone who worked with him.”

Except for you.

I didn’t have to say it for it to be true.

Cameron swallowed, suddenly much less aggressive. “What are you going to do with me now?”


His brows furrowed in confusion. “What?”

“I’ve thought about killing you, but why waste the bullet?” I leaned in with a wicked smile. “Instead, I’m going to strike you out of the record books. Scour your existence from the planet. No matter how hard anyone looks, they won’t find a single mention of Cameron Marcosa anywhere. You’ll be a ghost.”

“And Aislynn?”

“Already on the way to her new home, exactly like she wanted.”

God, I loved the way his face turned red. “She’s still my wife.”

I smiled viciously. “Didn’t I tell you? The divorce went through. Ash is officially a free woman again.”

“Marcosas don’t divorce.”

“My father did, and now, so have you. Trust me, it’s kinder than death. Although, she did get everything you own, so maybe not.”

“Where is she?”

“Somewhere you’ll never find her. She’s got a real army to protect her now. Men who will die at her feet to keep her safe. Between you and me, whew, they’re gorgeous. Even if she still wants you—which she doesn’t—she has no use for you. Not with them around.”

“You can send her to the ends of the earth, and I’ll still find her. She’s mine, Mari.”

“She was, but the moment you betrayed her, you lost any right you had to her. You lost the most precious thing you’ve ever owned—although, we both know you didn’t really own her at all. I hope the memories of what you almost had keep you warm at night. I hear it gets cold in the desert.”

“Desert? What the hell are you talking about?”

I stopped Killer’s slow roll of the closing door and smiled at Cameron. “Since Ash has gone to her new life, I thought you’d like the same. I hope you like snakes, cousin.”

One of the things I’d asked Greyson to do sporadically throughout my reign was buy up property in other places. Places no one else wanted to go. Places that could kill the wrong person living there.

Cameron was destined for one of those places.

If the heat didn’t kill him, the scorpions might.

Killer had volunteered to be the driver for this portion of the trip, despite how fucking long it was going to take to get there and that he’d been injured. He’d taken two bullets to the left leg with the second wave, but Dr. Grant swore he was recovering fine.

“How’s the leg?”

“Healing.” When I stared at him, hoping for more information, he shrugged. “There’s nothing else to say.”

“You’re limping.”

He immediately straightened. “I can do my job.”

Shaking my head, I laid a hand on his shoulder. “I didn’t say it because I doubt you. I said it because I want to make sure you’re taking care of yourself.”

Uncertainty flickered in his gaze before he dropped it. “Thank you. I’m fine most of the time. Hauling him around put some additional strain on it, is all.”

I frowned at the white van. “He wasn’t cooperative?”