Page 126 of Vicious Throne

I wanted to look at her as the world went black and acknowledge that I had been a lucky bastard to have her in my life.

To hold her. Kiss her. Comfort her.

To get her back when she could’ve walked away for good at any time.

To die wearing her ring, carrying her name—which was more than I’d ever thought I’d have.

So, I fought Cash’s grip enough to twist my head so I could leave this world with her face in my mind.

Only, she wasn’t there.

Before I had a chance to wonder where the hell she’d gone, someone appeared behind Cash.

Blood dripping down her face, skin exposed in all the spots her clothes were torn, and a look of pure rage on her face, she’d never been more beautiful.

My Mari.

My angel of vengeance had come to take her pound of flesh.

Chapter Thirty-Three


The tackle was off-kilter because my head was fucking killing me, but it did the job. Cash flew off his brother, my weight taking him to the floor. It wouldn’t have worked if he hadn’t been distracted, but it didn’t matter. Nate’s pained gasp was music to my ears even as my skin scraped against the rocks.

Peering over, I saw him blink, saw him try to focus, and told myself that was enough for the moment. He’s alive. Now, get to work.

Pushing through every ounce of pain, I fought to get to my knees at the same time Cash struggled to his. A moment of stillness lingered as we looked each other over—weary and bleeding—and I knew we had the same thought.

Only one of us would leave this room. Only one could survive.

And I knew exactly who it would be.

I threw myself at him, knowing that I had to make him unsteady if I had a chance. He was weak without the coke, and he’d obviously hit his head at some point. If I could wear him out before I got too tired to fight, it was over.

All I had to do was finish him first.

My fist glanced off his jaw, and he threw another punch at me that clipped my injured shoulder. But I was already dipping, already shoving the bottom of my foot into his knee. It crumpled, but he kept his feet.

Lucky bastard.

“Come on, queenie. Show me what you’ve got.” His lips tipped to one side, even as his leg tried to give out on him, and I almost laughed in his face at how fucking pathetic he was, trying to play the big man right now.

Men like Cash were so cocky. They thought brute strength would get them what they wanted, but longevity was the real key. He could beat my ass into the ground, but I could outlast him in the ring. And that was exactly what I’d do.

We circled each other, but he never made the first move. It was always me taking a swipe before retreating. Me who forced him to use his energy.

Almost like he wasn’t sure he could handle me anymore.

I liked that.

“What’s wrong?” I taunted. “Struggling to know what to do when I’m not tied up like a fucking present?”

Cash’s eyes narrowed. He didn’t like when I talked back. Didn’t like when I made him feel like less than a man.

Well, joke was on him because he was less than a man. Anyone who preyed on kids and attacked innocents was nothing more than scum. An infestation I was all too happy to wipe out.

When he still didn’t move first, I laughed. “You’re fucking pathetic, Cash. Can’t handle a woman if she’s not unconscious first. Can’t run a business without snorting half of it. Can’t be the leader of your family without your little brother messing things up. You’re a fucking waste. An old man too focused on power to realize what you stole was never yours to begin with.”