Page 106 of Vicious Throne

“Whatever we do, we do together.” I pressed myself to Mari’s back, wrapping my arms around her shoulders and keeping her close. Dominic gripped one of her hands, while Nate trapped the other over his heart.

Together, we watched as the Aces burned our safety to the ground and prayed for the survivors we hoped we’d find.

Chapter Twenty-Eight


Six families died in the Aces carnage. Dozens were injured, not to mention the number of people who were displaced. I called Two-Bit and told him to pull some strings and get them all to safety before I made his life a living hell. He did, and it was the only thing letting me sleep at night.

It could’ve been worse, but that didn’t negate the losses.

So many unnecessary losses.

I was grateful that the people who’d died did so quickly, grateful that they didn’t suffer more, but even that didn’t feel right. They shouldn’t have died at all.

None of this should’ve happened.

Standing there with my men, watching the chaos in the home my husband had made for us, I felt something inside me break. Something I wasn’t sure I’d ever be able to get back. Part of me wondered if my people were even safe with me at all, while another part wondered how anyone with a soul could watch children flee in terror and laugh about it the way the Aces had.

And they had. They’d taunted and teased, tormented the people I’d moved for their safety, and then they’d slaughtered them.

I’ll kill them all.

I spent every waking moment watching and rewatching the footage, noting which Aces did what and how much pleasure they took in it. Which ones disappeared over the walls of the compound, never to return. We’d hunt them down eventually, but for now, the ringleaders were first on the chopping block.

I’d decided that no one who’d ever worn Cash’s banner was safe.

I was still face first in the footage when I got a text that changed everything. I barely took time to gather my men and change my clothes before I stormed into my father’s mansion, fresh rage stoked in my heart. It wasn’t hard to locate the man who could have ended this so long ago if he had put his petty vendettas aside.

He was sitting in my fucking seat, after all.

The Wolf looked the same, like nothing could touch him, and that pissed me off. My people were dirty and bruised and bleeding, and this fucker had the audacity to call a meeting in my house wearing thousand-dollar shoes?

He had a death wish. Plain and simple.

“Last I checked, it’s a form of respect to let a territory leader know if you’re entering their city.”

“I’m just crossing through.”

“Doesn’t change the protocol.”

“Oh, get off it,” he spat. “I’m not here for you, Marcosa.”

Dominic growled under his breath at the disrespect, but he stayed where he was even though I knew he wanted to beat the shit out of Emmanuel.

Get in line, babe.

Christian stood off to the side, blocking the couch where Adrien and Shara sat together, the men very obviously on guard and ready to make a move if any of the Wolf’s men so much as looked at Shara wrong. Adrien leaned over, whispering in her ear as he squeezed her thigh reassuringly. Her eyes flashed to me and she smiled, but it wavered at the edges.

I didn’t like that at all.

The door opened, and everyone stiffened as Two-Bit stomped in. Christian, who’d lifted his gun at the newcomer, curled his lip at his brother. Suddenly, I could see the resemblance between him and Emmanuel. Did I look like that when I was disgusted? Fuck, I hoped not.

Our friendly little Fed kept his distance from everyone, choosing to lean against the wall closest to the door. Maybe he was hoping for a quick getaway.

“Dante. I’m glad you made it.”

Two-Bit’s lips tightened at the name, but he didn’t correct it. “I didn’t have a choice.”