Page 102 of Vicious Throne

“I have an island just outside of Colombia. It’s private and secure, with only my most trusted staff. You’ll live there.”


“No. You’ll never be alone.” It should’ve felt threatening, but his gaze and voice were soft as he set his phone on her lap, his thumb swiping across her knee. More of a lover’s promise than anything else.

I wondered if this was what Antoni and Shara had looked like when they’d met. Not quite love at first sight, but an unexpected connection forged in a single night. Did Ash feel that same draw? If she did, it was obviously reciprocated, unless he was as good an actor as my cousin. The way Aislynn shuddered made me wonder if she had the same thought.

Victor flipped through so we could see pictures of beautiful white sand beaches and clear blue water. Big trees and incredibly colorful flowers everywhere. It was as close to paradise as I could imagine and not far off from where I’d planned to send her when this was all over. He let her look over everything twice, even showing her pictures of the staff, which he tilted just far enough that I could see too.

Eventually, Ash handed the phone back. “It’s beautiful.”

“The perfect place to heal.” There was a heavy weight of promise in his voice, and when Ash turned to me, it was with more hope than I’d seen since she’d found out about her husband’s deceit.

Fuck, if he can give her that peace back, I may end up doing something I shouldn’t. Like trusting the guy.

Victor moved to the windows on the opposite side of the room without a word, offering us as much privacy as he could, knowing he wasn’t allowed to leave my sight.

“You’re going.” I had no doubt in my mind. Unfortunately for me, I also had the feeling this was the best decision for her.

Ash must’ve seen my acceptance, reaching for my hand with a tentative smile on her face. “Seriously, Mari. I want to do this. I need to.” Her voice dropped, eyes darting to Victor, only to swallow when she found him already watching. “I need a redo.”

“You’re not marrying him,” I grumbled, knowing there was no way I would deny her after everything. She laughed, and the sound was so shockingly bright that I smiled.

“Of course not, but he is pretty to look at.”

She wasn’t wrong. Hell, maybe she’d have some fun on that island when all this was over. Maybe she’d come back stronger than ever.

It’s one year, and you have enough money to buy a plane. Let her go.

“I’ll ensure your safety,” I promised. Though, truthfully, the hostage deal Victor was offering was pretty good. I’d know for sure once he sent over the paperwork. Still, Ash had to know I’d always have her back.

She smiled. “I know. You always take care of me.”

I didn’t feel that way, especially not when I walked over with a hand out to Victor Paez and gave him my best friend. “Deal.”

“You won’t regret this.”

Joke’s on him; I already do.

“Let’s hope not.” As he started to pull away, I tightened my grip and pulled him close. “If you hurt her in any way, I will wipe you, your bloodline, and any man loyal to either from existence.”

“I don’t doubt it, but you have nothing to worry about.” He looked over my shoulder at Aislynn with a softness he hadn’t earned. “I’m going to take very good care of her.”

I wasn’t so sure about that, but I’d be watching either way.

All I could do was hope Aislynn made it through in one piece.

Chapter Twenty-Seven


Mari hadn’t stopped moving since Ash got in the car with Paez. He’d given her a day to sort out her affairs before coming back to the house with his entire security team in tow.

We’d all tensed until he explained that he wanted to get Aislynn out of the city before Cash realized he could come for her again. Paez wasn’t going to let her be a target anymore.

I watched the words land hard for Mari, but she didn’t disagree. Instead, she hugged Ash while the rest of us piled her bags into one of the armored SUVs Victor brought.

After giving our own goodbyes, we surrounded Mari, watching somewhat helplessly as Ash was escorted to the car by Victor’s second. She was about to slip inside when he leaned close to whisper something that made Ash’s whole face turn red and not in embarrassment.