Page 30 of Vicious Throne

Ace frowned. “I won’t rat my boy out.”

“Then we’re done here.” She stood fluidly, letting her hands brush the swell of her ass like there was dirt on her pants. Ace’s eyes followed her every movement, hunger growing with each passing second. It made me fucking sick.

“If I say yes, will I get in trouble for smacking my son’s girl around?”

Mari laughed, the sound so fake it hurt my ears. “I’m my own woman, Beckstrom. Do we have a deal or not?”

He grinned and shook his chains. “What about these? Or do you need a handicap?”

I didn’t see her move, but the door opened and a guard moved in warily. “I’d recommend you keep him?—”

“Unhook the cuffs. We’ll be fine.”

“You heard the lady. Uncuff me,” Ace jeered.

The shackles dropped to the floor, and Mari dismissed the guard while Ace rolled his wrists, shaking out his arms like he’d been bound tight for hours. Hell, maybe he had. “If I win, do I get a taste of that golden pussy?”


Mari shrugged, and I growled, “No.”

She ignored me. “You win, and I’ll let you do whatever you want.”

I’m going to tan her ass for this.

Ace grinned at me, grabbing his dick like a teenage asshole. “I’m going to take your girl right in front of you, son. Show you how a real man fucks.”

I didn’t realize I’d taken a step forward until Dominic hauled me back to the wall, his grip lethal on my shoulder. “Let her do this.”

At first, they circled each other. Ace taunted while Mari evaluated. She ignored every word he threw at her, focusing her energy on his steps, the way he moved, and even the bullshit swings he threw her way. When he finally went for her, she was ready. His right hook was dodged and parried with an uppercut that sent blood and what could have been the tip of his tongue spilling from his mouth.

“Mari, one. Dipshit Daddy, zero,” Dominic breathed, settling in for the show.

And what a show it was.

Ace roared with rage and started tossing haymakers left and right, but Mari was agile. She dodged every one, darting in for quick punches to the ribs that sent loud cracks echoing around the room. Where he went for maximum damage with one hit, she went for a thousand cuts.

Ace didn’t stand a fucking chance.

This wasn’t a lesson in humility or a competition to see who was strongest; it was a bloodletting. Mari was in so much pain, and she was using my father as a punching bag. With every punch and dodge, Ace was getting angrier, until finally, he made a fatal error. He swung for Mari’s face, ducking at the last minute to reach for one of her blades. Dominic and I both grabbed for our guns, but we should’ve known better.

Mari spun out of his grip and kicked him in the ass. Already unbalanced, Ace went sprawling, and our little spider monkey was right there to see him finished. Mari crawled on top of him, trapping his arms at his sides, and she slipped the knife he’d gone for out of its sheath.

When they stilled, she had it pointed at his dick. She wasn’t even breathing hard.

“I win, Beckstrom. Give me what I want, or I’ll take your useless cock as a trophy.”

Ace glared at her, ready to kill her for the embarrassment of besting him, but Mari just grinned. “Did you know they have cameras in this room? I’d hate to see the footage get leaked to the population here. What would people do if they knew you couldn’t beat a woman half your size?”

She hissed through her teeth, feigning concern for his well-being, and Ace drooped. We all knew if she released the footage—if there really was any—that he’d be dead in a day.

“What the fuck do you want, bitch?”

“Tell me about the cartel.”

“What about them?”

“Who are they?”