Page 16 of Vicious Throne

“I love you, Greyson. I’m sorry it took us so long to get here,” I whispered, groaning when he dipped to take my nipple between his teeth.

“I don’t give a shit,” he promised. “I’ve loved you my whole life, and I’ll love you through the rest of it. The rest is just noise.”

The best part was, I knew he meant it. It wasn’t only the pleasure talking or the way he felt inside me; it was just Greyson. Just us.

This family we were building, it started with us decades ago. Two kids who barely knew how to exist, finding themselves drawn together, bound so tightly there was no escape.

This was the culmination of our friendship and the next step toward our future, and it meant everything to know he was right there with me.

I poured all my focus into the moment. Grinding my hips, slipping my hands beneath us to play with his legs, his balls, even teasing his shaft when I moved. My teeth found purchase behind his ear and on his jaw, all the places that made him groan and stutter and beg to come. But I didn’t do it alone. Grey gave as good as he got, manhandling me where he wanted, kissing and licking and never letting up.

When my orgasm exploded, it came with words ripped from my lips and Greyson’s fingers on my clit. “My husband. My king. My heart.”

“Only yours,” he promised.

Lost in the heat, he pulled me onto him faster, rocking my hips until he was groaning against my skin. “My reina. My Mari. My wife.”

“Yours,” I promised, leaning in for another soul-searing kiss as peace stole us away. “Always yours.”

Chapter Five


It felt wrong walking into the Celestine without Greyson the next morning, like there was this voice in the back of my brain, screaming that I’d left my husband behind. Worrying that he’d be in danger if I wasn’t there. Dominic wrapped his arm around my shoulder and pressed a kiss to my forehead before he let go. “He’ll be fine, mariposa. It’s only a few more days.”

Two. Two more days and he’d be home. Not that I was counting or anything.

“Anything can happen in a few days,” I said sharply, and Nate winced. “Shit. I didn’t mean you.”

“I know, Mari.” He pulled me under his arm. “I guess I’m just nervous.”

This would be the first time he’d interacted with my people since we’d found out he was a Beckstrom, and while I’d been stewing in my feelings about leaving Grey, he’d obviously been dealing with his own issues.

“No matter what they say, you’re one of us.”

Dominic’s silence was pointed, but he didn’t comment. Thank God. His issues with Nate were something they’d have to deal with on their own, but I’d intercede if he decided to be an asshole.

“You helped more than hurt,” I promised, and Nate squeezed me.

“I don’t think they’re going to agree, but thank you, angel.” He reeled me in for a kiss on the temple but let me go as we reached the door.

“In, out, done,” I reminded them both. I didn’t want us in the open more than we had to be, even in our own building. Nate’s reminder of a mole high up in my organization made me antsy. They both nodded, and Dominic opened the door for us.

We’d moved the meeting to the basement, knowing the conference room was too small for an all-hands call, and I was pleased to see the room was packed already. There were my capos, their soldiers, security personnel for the bars, servers, managers, and anyone else who could make it. From my quick glance, someone from every branch of the syndicate was present.

Good. The more people to spread the word, the better.

The whispers followed us as we made our way to the front of the room, and it was obvious that everyone’s eyes were on Nate. Some were antagonistic, some outright wary, but most were curious. Wondering why he was here when he’d left so abruptly.

I turned to Nate, intending to remind him that he was one of us, no matter what anyone else thought, but he didn’t seem concerned. In fact, it was the most like Cash he’d ever looked. Emotionless and unapologetic. Unlike with Cash, I knew it was a protective mechanism, something to keep him separate from the reminder of his fuckups.

“Before we begin, I want to clear one thing up. Yes, Nate is a Beckstrom, but he’s still on our side.” I heard some snorts in the crowd, but no one was confident enough to outright disagree. “I understand that it may be difficult for some of you to accept him back into the fold and that it could take some time. Do so at your own pace, but understand that he is a Marcosa in every way that matters, and I will not accept disrespect about him. Am I clear?”

People’s eyes turned to Dominic, as if waiting to see what he would do, not realizing he was a Marcosa through and through. If I said Nate was in, he was in. Dominic’s personal feelings were another situation entirely.

When no one said anything else, I decided to address the situation at hand. “As I’m sure you’re all aware, Nate’s defection from Cash was a surprise for the Aces. As necessary as it was, it paints a target on our backs. This war was heating up with or without him, but now it’s time to discuss plans. We’ve already removed most of the families from the city, but it’s time to move everyone else out.”

“Where will they go?” someone asked from the crowd.