Page 112 of Vicious Throne

Through it all, Christian didn’t once look at his father.

After a brief chat, Shara skipped over for a hug and a promise to video-call soon before she grabbed both Christian’s and Adrien’s hands and swept them out of the room. Poor bastards stared at her like she was the only star in the sky, and I was kind of excited to see if she could truly find the level of happiness I had with my men.

With Christian gone, Two-Bit seemed to relax more, although he didn’t look at Rafael either. “You’re working with Paez?”

Shit. I was hoping we wouldn’t have this conversation today. “I am, but I’m not going to let him distribute in the city.”

It was technically within the lines of our deal, even if it didn’t honor the spirit of it, and he knew it. I thought he’d be angry, but instead, there was a hint of humor in his eyes. “Why am I not surprised you worked a deal like that?”

He wasn’t talking about the one with the cartel.

My shrug was automatic. “What can I say? It’s a gift.”

We watched each other for a moment, two people who had secrets that could destroy the other’s life. All it would take was choosing to let those secrets loose, and everything would be destroyed.

I’d be in jail.

Two-Bit would likely be dead.

It hit me that his little secret would spell death for more than just him if he wasn’t careful.

“Keep her out of the mess. Please.”

His hands clenched. “I’ll do what I can to do right by her.”

“That’s all I ask. For the record, I’m sorry about today.”

That he’d been dragged into the life he’d fought so hard to avoid. That he’d been gifted a marriage he didn’t want. That his existence was going to be even harder now because of all of it.

And that I’d be just another opponent if his actions caused Shara harm.

“I know you are.” He shook his head with a faint smile. “See you soon, Mari.”

“Good luck.”

He walked out with a nod to my men, leaving just us and my uncle.

“Are you okay?” I asked.

Rafael stared at the door with the kind of acceptance that said he knew nothing would ever fix the way he’d fucked up. With his father. With his sons. He was on his own for the first time. I wondered how that felt. “I am. I should have done it sooner. For Bianca and for you.”

But he wasn’t okay. Walking away from his birthright would never be easy, but he’d done it for me, and I was grateful. So, when he turned to me and asked if I needed another sharpshooter, I accepted.

I had a feeling I’d need every man I could get.

Chapter Thirty


Emmanuel eyed Victor the moment he arrived. Everywhere he went, Emmanuel followed, and despite Maximoff glaring daggers at the other don, he never let up. It only got worse when the meetings started.

Every time Victor suggested something, the Wolf shot it down. If he offered help, Emmanuel always offered more. Seeing the interactions in person, I agreed more with Victor’s assumptions. Emmanuel was at war with him, and he was being a petty bitch about it.

“This is ridiculous.” Dominic leaned back against the wall next to me, wearily watching the two men butt heads. I had a headache from all the testosterone pumping through the air and was this close to losing it from hunger alone.

Male posturing was going to take me out long before the war could.

Being stuck in a room with two warring cartel leaders was the epitome of stupid, but not for the reasons I originally assumed. After hours of trying to plan and getting nowhere, I was ready to shoot them both, damn the consequences. The only thing holding me back was Greyson absently playing with my fingers where they hung between us. “This whole meeting is a dick-measuring contest,” Nate muttered.