“You’re so fucking perfect, baby. This dick is all yours,” he groans as his thrusts deepen and he comes inside me, burying his face into my shoulder. “Are you okay?” he breathes as we come down from our high.
Hugging him tighter against me, I close my eyes and try to catalog every movement, feeling, scent and emotion in my mind. “I am. Are you okay?” I twirl his hair around my fingertips as we lay there holding on to each other, his semi hard dick still inside me.
“For now. When Sin finds out I touched you, I will probably be dead.” He chuckles against my sensitive skin.
“Fuck him.”
He moves so he can look at me, his gaze satiated and relaxed. “I’ll worry about that later.” He places a chaste kiss against my lips as he slides his dick out of me and removes the condom. “Now, come here.” He grabs me around the waist, pulling my back against his abs and engulfing me in his huge frame.
We cuddle for what feels like forever but at the same time not long enough. Laying in his arms, I can feel the tears rolling down my cheeks, and I do all I can to suppress my emotions. A small intake of breath followed by a sniffle alerts Rome to my crying.
“Baby, hey. Are you crying?” He turns me and cradles me into his chest, his arms wrapping around me in a protective hold. “Did I hurt you?” The concern and anguish in his tone makes me want to cry even more.
“The opposite. It was perfect. I’m just a ball of emotions.” I giggle and sniffle my runny nose, it’s the most unromantic noise in the silence of the room.
“It’s okay. Let it all out.” He rubs my back in slow circles, the feeling of euphoria is what I imagine this to be.
“We’re going to have to get up and get dressed.”
“Shh, let’s pretend we have all night.” He snuggles into me, his face buried in my hair. “You smell so fucking good, like you were just thoroughly fucked.”
“The shit that comes out of your mouth sometimes.” I shake my head slightly.
“Always the truth, baby.”
“So, what now?”
“What do you mean?” His voice becomes lazy, like he’s half asleep.
“With us?” I know it’s probably the last thing he wants to discuss after what we just did.
“You want to talk about it now?” He moves to look me in the eyes. He looks vulnerable, unsure even, in the way he’s seeing right into my soul.
“I do. I’m worried this is going to change things for the worse,” I confess.
“Are you serious? This is the best fucking thing that has happened to me and Little Rome.”
I stifle a giggle. “Did you just call your dick Little Rome?”
“I did.” He presses his hips into me, the corner of his lip quirks up slightly, obviously proud of his nickname.
“You’re an idiot. Oh my god.” I throw my head back and laugh.
“Hey, be quiet, you’ll hurt Little Rome’s feelings.” He presses feather light kisses over my throat.
“Oh, I’m sorry. I didn’t know he had feelings.” I wrap my arms around his neck and kiss him deeply.
Our tongue’s chase each other, the sensual and raw emotions flowing through us has me wanting him to devour me again. We break apart and lock eyes, a dark and intense yearning flits between us, coiling and wrapping itself around my heart. I know this man is going to break my heart one day. I can feel it. “Please don’t hurt me. I can handle all the fucked up shit thrown at me, but you hurting me might tip me over the edge.” My deep and raw thoughts escape my heart.
His forehead rests against mine, his gaze an inferno as he stares into my soul. “Monroe. You are my everything. You have been since we were kids. I will never intentionally hurt you.”
“Promise?” I whisper.
“Promise, baby.” He kisses me gently on the lips. “We need to get dressed and go back to the Spades’ house.”
Groaning as he unwraps himself from around me and climbs out of the bed, I watch him locate our clothes that are strewn across the floor. I glance around and notice the red light in the corner of the room. “Is that a fucking camera?” I pull the blankets over my tits in horror.
“It is. I’ll have the recording wiped.” Rome pulls on his pants and gathers my clothes for me, bringing them to me on the bed. Leaning down he grins at me, and I don’t know what is suddenly amusing.