“I live here.” He stalks toward me.
“So do I.” I smile.
He steps up next to me, grabbing himself a coffee mug and the jug to froth the milk. “I know that but how did you end up moving here? What happened to your plans?” He takes over making our coffees and I step aside to let him. He seems familiar with the kitchen and where everything is stored.
“Long story and trust me, you don’t want to know.” I shrug, hoping he catches on that I don’t want to discuss it any further. I’m still pissed at Papa V. for forcing me to come here and pissed at myself for allowing this to happen.
“Point taken.” He looks down at me and offers me a sympathetic grin. “So, is your scary bestie here too?” He looks behind him expecting Saskia to jump out of nowhere.
“No, she lives in another house.” I take the freshly made coffee from him and think about Saskia and her role as Queen of the Diamonds Fraternity. I’ve wanted so badly to see her, but she’s had preparations and initiations and whatever else being throned as the Queen of a frat entails.
I’ve barely seen her since she brought me home from the party. She stayed with me all night and made sure I was okay, never leaving my side, not even allowing me to pee on my own. I made her promise she wouldn’t tell anyone. She didn’t keep that promise, she told her dad who sent his men on a hunt for the fucker. They didn’t find him. He’s still out there living his best life.
I’m still in such confusion over my reaction to losing my virginity. Or, let me rephrase that, having my virginity ripped from me, literally. The memory of his rough touch, the pain of his huge cock tearing through me and the way he left me there wanting, needing more, has me in a state of turmoil.
“Hey, want to come sit outside on the pier? It’s quiet and probably the only peaceful place in the morning rush.” He looks at me as I come back from my thoughts.
“Sure.” I nod and follow him outside, past the resort style pool area and onto the grass that leads to the pier.
I take in the sprawling area behind the mansion that leads to the lake’s edge flanked by dense forest. The frat house is secluded from the other houses that dot around the large lake and I wonder if any of the others belong to SLU. Walking along the aged wooden planks, I glance down to the gentle small waves as they lap against the wooden posts. It’s tranquil and calming out here and I think I just found my favorite outdoor spot. At the end of the pier is a roofed area with wooden benches for seating.
“Not many of the guys come out here if you ever need a quiet place to think and escape the testosterone in there.” Connor gazes out over the lake and I follow his line of sight.
I sit myself on the wooden bench seat and sip my coffee. “It’s so beautiful out here.” I breathe in the cool fresh air.
His phone buzzes and he glances at it, pulling a sour face. “Duty calls.” He looks at me then. “Don’t miss the matriculation ceremony. Trust me.” He strides away heading back to the house.
I stare after him for a few beats wondering what was so urgent before returning my gaze to the peaceful lake. I curl my feet under me and enjoy sipping my coffee until the last drop. I can see myself coming out here day and night, enjoying the peace and quiet.
I’m dressed in my favorite baggy ripped jeans, long sleeve Blondie top to cover the bruises on my wrists and my black Converse. I figure I may as well be comfortable for a full day of orientation. My long dark hair is straightened to perfection just how I like it. I hate having my hair curly as it reminds me of my mom, she had the same unruly waves, and it was something my father always loved about her. I’ve ordered my Uber as the long ass walk to campus is not something I feel like tackling on my first day and seeing as I don’t have a car here, I’ll have to rely on Uber until I figure something out.
Grabbing my bag, I close and lock my door and head for the stairs. I can hear the chaos of everyone down there getting breakfast and whatever else they do before they head off to the first day. My nerves nearly have me turning around and hiding back in my room, but I know I have to face them all eventually. Taking a deep breath, I descend the stairs and head straight through the mayhem, not making any eye contact and head straight out the front door. I’m a fucking coward. I shake my head at myself for not having the balls to say hi to any of them.
The door creaks open and shuts behind me. “Hey, where are you rushing off to?” Rome comes up behind me and gives me a big hug. His arms around me feel good, familiar, at least I have him and Chaser here.
“I called an Uber.” I crane my neck to look back up at him.
“The hell you’re taking an Uber. You’ll be riding with us every single day and I dare you to argue about it.”
“You’re insufferable,” I groan but appreciative not having to go in on my own.
“Look at you, using big words and it’s only the first day.” I can feel him chuckle against my hair. Stepping away from me, he grabs my hand and leads me down the stairs and around to the side of one of three, closed in garages. They look like mini versions of the mansion they belong to.
As we wait for the doors to go up, I cancel the Uber, and text Sass that I’ll catch up with her later in the day. I don’t get a reply and figure she probably had a big night celebrating.
“Babe!” Chaser calls as he and Sin walk toward us with some of the other guys and Queen Charlotte behind them.
“Morning.” I grin at him, but I can’t help glancing at her and wondering where her room is in the house. The thought makes me irrationally jealous when I have no right to be.
“Where the hell did you disappear to last night?” He half skips up to me, grips me in a big hug, lifting me off the ground.
Wrapping my arms around him, I squeeze him into me. “I was tired.”
He places me back on my feet. “Not a good enough excuse. We’re in college now, and you’re expected to be up late doing stupid things with us.”
The others eye me as they all make their way to their own cars, and I get a few nods and hellos from them. I know they’re just being polite and are pissed that a female, not part of their fraternity, has shacked up with them. I smile back and say hi to all the ones that have acknowledged me, and I hope as time goes on it’s not this awkward. I can’t help but watch Charlotte as she climbs into one of the other Range Rovers. Is she meant to be riding in this one with the King and the two Jacks?
“Come on.” Chaser grips my bag and drags me toward one of the black Range Rovers with the twenty-inch matt black rims. She’s a beauty and I have no idea where she came from because none of the boys owned four-wheel drives at home. They all had their two door sports cars to drive around. Come to think of it, none of their cars are here. Every single car is a black Range Rover.