Page 13 of Sinister

“Boys, come in here,” he shouts.

Rome, Chaser and Sin all file back into the main living area and stand waiting for direction.

“I’m not transferring to SLU.” I shake my head in disbelief as my plans for college fade before my eyes.

“What the fuck?” Sin’s eyes nearly pop out of his head as he takes two strides to stand closer to his dad. “You can’t be serious!”

“You can’t make me transfer. You can’t,” I plead.

“This is not up for negotiation, Monroe. You’re not safe on your own and I’m a man of my word. You’ll be attending Sable Lakes, end of conversation.”

“Please don’t do this.” I grab hold of his arm and beg, “please don’t make me go to SLU.”

He pats my hand reassuringly and looks saddened. “I’m sorry, kiddo, but it’s what needs to happen to make sure you’re safe.”

Without uttering another word, too afraid I’ll say something I’ll regret, I retreat into my room and slam my door shut behind me. I lean against the door for support as I breathe through my rage. I know I have no say in this, it’s just the way this family operates.

My hopes and dreams of following in my mom’s footsteps have gone up in a puff of smoke, as though it was never even a thought to begin with. All my plans to drive across the country in one final road trip in an ode to my parents, also gone. To say I’m fucking livid is an understatement.

“What I say goes, do you understand me?” Papa V. raises his voice. “She’ll live in the manor with you three and if I hear one fucking complaint, I will revoke all privileges. Do you understand?”

“Do I have a fucking choice?” Sin barks back extra loud to make sure I can hear. “I’m out. Fuck this shit.”

I hear their murmured voices as they wait for the elevator to arrive, Sin no doubt bitching about the turn of events and how I will now ruin his college years having to live under his roof. Sinking to the floor, I wrap my arms around my knees, close my eyes and lean my head against the door. Thoughts of running away come to mind but Papa V. would just send his men after me to bring me back. I’m stuck in this family that I don’t belong to whether I want to be here or not and it feels claustrophobic and suffocating.

All I ever wanted was to find myself on my own terms, away from all this mafia bullshit. Away from the ties and connections of my parents. I want to be free to live my life and feel like I belong somewhere out there with people who actually want me around and don’t feel burdened by the need to keep their word.

Chapter eight


“Life is a highway. I want to ride it all night long,” I sing at the top of my lungs as I drive with the top down of my candy apple red convertible Mustang. “If you’re goin’ my way. Well, I want to drive it all night long.”

I turn the volume up as I slow for the red light. The man in the car beside me glances my way, smiles, and nods in time with the beat appreciating the classic song.

Turning back to face the lights, I tap the steering wheel until it turns green and plant my foot just as my favorite verse echoes through the speakers.

“There ain’t no load I can’t hold. A road so rough, this I know. I’ll be there when the light comes in. Tell ‘em we’re survivors.”

The setting sun paints the sky in a fiery red hue to match my beloved car. She gleams as she purrs down the main road. She was my dad’s favorite possession and he’d be turning over in his grave knowing we had her wrapped in candy apple red to hide her true identity. Papa V. was kind enough to store her until I was old enough to drive but he made me pick a color to cover her original sleek black paint.

Naturally I chose the closest color I could pick that reminded me of my mom and dad’s blood as it oozed out of their gun shot wounds and pooled around their dead bodies. Movies and television shows make you believe blood is this deep dark red, viscous substance. When in fact both my parent’s blood started off a lighter, almost translucent bright red and only when it congealed and dried did it turn the dark maroon color they show in the movies.

So, here I sit in my blood-red convertible, the sun warming my skin, the cool breeze blowing through my long hair, as I sing my heart out to the only CD stuck in the CD player. Luckily, I fucking love this song as it reminds me of happier days when we would pile into the convertible, head to the beach and spend the day swimming and eating ice cream. I’m making the most of my last week here in Tuxedo Park, pretending my life isn’t about to end when I’m forced to attend Sable lakes.

Pulling up to the twelve foot tall wrought iron gates of our gated community, I turn the music down as I wait for the gates to open. I drive slowly past all the other houses ensuring I don’t rev the engine too loud as I’ve had numerous complaints about my car. Good fucking luck to them if they try to take it away from me, and besides I doubt anyone would go against Papa V. Parking the Mustang next to my Audi in the multi car garage, I climb out and grab my bag and apron off the passenger seat and head inside.

The aroma of tomato, basil and garlic swirl under my nose and I know instantly who is here cooking up a storm. Hurrying to the kitchen, I manage to drop my bag and apron in the hallway before I see her stirring the sauce in the pot on the stove.

“Vecchia!” I squeal with delight and rush toward her.

She has no time to put the wooden spoon down before I’m squeezing her into me. Her free arm wraps around my waist and she holds me tight against her. “Every time I see you, you’ve grown a little more.” She kisses my cheek as I let go of her.

“No, I think you’re just shrinking,” I giggle as I pat her on the head.

“Fanculo!” She swats me on the butt as I try to jump away from her.

Vecchia, or Nonna Rosina as she’s known to everyone else, is my most favorite person in this entire world. Even when my parents were alive and we would spend holidays with the V.’s, Vecchia would always spoil me rotten. She’s my rock and I wish she didn’t go back home for months on end. The months after my parent’s murders, Vecchia and I had slumber parties in my room. She slept in the king size bed with me and held me as my sobs wracked my body.