Page 4 of Ruthless Son

“Uh, not to interrupt your conversation, but what do you mean ‘she didn’t like it?’” It surely couldn’t mean what I thought it meant? That nurse singled me out because a man was looking at me—a man I never even noticed was looking at me—and that’s why she stopped me from seeing my sister in some internal battle that only she was involved in?

“Rex clocked you when your fine ass walked in.” Sly chuckled, and continued not noticing the evil glare that he was getting from both Rex and I. Gauge groaned, dropping his head into his hands as Sly’s mouth opened and more sound came out. “He was staring at you standing at the desk for ages and Missy saw, that’s why she was mean. Normally she’s as sweet as pie.”

As he laughed to himself, he noticed the silence around him and the pointed look from Gauge giving him a head shake, trying to silently get him to shut his mouth, but the cat was out of the bag. “What?” He genuinely had no idea what he had done.

“She didn’t let me see my sister and it wasn’t even my fault,” I muttered to myself, before glaring up at Rex. I stood up, my head barely meeting Rex’s chin. “You’re going to go over there and make it right, Captain Obvious.” My finger jabbing his chest may have been stabbing at a brick wall for all the good it did, my finger bending on impact. “You tell your girlfriend I’m seeing Millie right now?—”

His hand grabbed mine, holding my fingers trapped against him. “She’s not my girlfriend, and… I didn’t know she would do that.” He stepped back, releasing me. My hand dropped to my side, I could still feel the heat from his touch on my skin.

His large frame twisted around, stalking toward the desk. The nurse preened under his harsh gaze, and she leaned forward, squishing her tits together to create a shadow of cleavage under her scrubs. “Princess wants to see her sister, what room’s she in?” His voice boomed from across the room in a tone that I’m sure had people rushing to do his bidding.

Her face fell as she realized that he wasn’t there to flirt with her. Her dark eyes narrowed on me before she got a grip and smoothed her face out, putting on that fake smile that she’d shown me earlier. “Sorry, babe, visiting hours are done, she’ll have to come back tomorrow. But you can stay as long as you need to.”

I scoffed at her lame attempt at sucking up. As Rex leaned closer to her, whispering sweet nothings, her face paled. Missy’s eyes lowered to the counter and watched Rex’s tatted fingers make patterns on the marble top.

I had no idea what he said to her, but it didn’t look like a lover’s reunion, that’s for sure.


You fucked a woman a couple of times and all of a sudden she thought she owned your cock and could dick-tate what you did with it.

Get it?


Fuck, I was funny.

Missy sat behind the desk, unable to meet my eyes. She knew damned fucking well she had no claim on me, but she thought to make another woman miserable just because I stared at her ass—and what a fine ass it was.

All sweet and round and tight—fuck!

A man can look all he damned well pleases, no bitch tells me my eyes can’t wander.

Hell, no bitch tells me my dick can’t wander. I put it wherever the hell I like. There are a number of women at the clubhouse that take a good riding on a regular basis, Missy knows about them too so why the fuck does she think she can control who I look at?!

“You don’t come to the clubhouse again. You’re barred.” Her face paled even further, her hopes of being an old lady down the drain. I knew that’s exactly what she’s been begging for, and a couple of other brothers have already taken a turn at her. Missy is used goods, she’s at best, a club slut… never an old lady. “I see you there again, I’ll have the prospects take you for a real ride, ya hear me?”

The prospects were eager to prove themselves and would do anything I—and anyone who wore the patch—asked of them. Running a train on the used up gash in front of me wouldn’t even phase them. And no one would want her then either. Getting fucked by prospects was the quickest way to get your ass kicked out. Club sluts were for Street King dick, not the unpatched.

Her mouth opened and closed in a perfect goldfish rendition, but no sound emerged. Good, she’s learning. A bit too late though.

Squeaking wheels alerted me to the princess’ exit. The tall beauty walked out with her head held high, her back straight and her gorgeous waterfall of blonde hair held in a pony that trailed down her back to just above her tight ass.


Grabbing the door before it could slam closed on me, I followed the chick out. She stood with her back to me facing the elevator, her finger stabbing at the ‘down’ button repeatedly.

“That won’t make it come quicker,” I said as I reached her side.

She startled, her dark blue eyes widening. “Why are you all so quiet on your feet? You did it before too.”

I didn’t bother offering a response to that, but my lips tipped up at her observation. It’s not like I could tell her that we’re light on our feet so we can sneak up on our enemies and kill them quietly; I think she’d have an even worse opinion of the people here than she already does, and she’s only been here for a few hours.

“She wouldn’t let you in, but trust me, the nurse is sorry for her attitude.”

She looked dubiously at me. “You mean, you asked your girlfriend to let me in past visiting hours and she still said no?”

I sighed, digging my thumbs into my eyeballs. “She’s not my girlfriend,” I gritted out. “We just… ya know… a few times.”