While I don’t want her to have to fight, I also want her to protect herself should I fall. I grab another knife from under my kutte and hand it to her.
She clutches it tightly, and I turn my torch off before carefully standing. Slowly, I walk towards the garage door, ready to attack anyone who may come in. Through the gap in the side of the door, I try to see outside, but it’s only big enough to see movement.
The voices get closer, but I can’t hear what is being said. I lick my lips, my mouth drier than the desert as I wait.
“Trick?” Someone shouts my name, and it sends a ripple of tension through me. “Howler sent us.”
It takes my brain a moment to understand, and a moment beyond that to realise who said it.
The voice is familiar and surprising.
Kane fucking Fraser.
I cross the garage in silence, heading over to where Heidi is hiding, careful not to make a sound. Picking up my phone, I make sure the ringer is off before I fire off a text to Howler.
I don’t look at Heidi, scared that if I do, I’ll crack. It takes less than a breath for his response to come back, telling me he sent the Fraser brothers to help.
That knot in the back of my neck loosens as I pocket my phone and walk over to the door. In one smooth motion, I shove it up and over, flooding the space with light. Standing on the other side, guns held loose in their hands, are two of the three Fraser brothers. Lucas, as always, seems the more serious, but his big brother, Kane, is grinning like a lunatic.
“Thanks for the invite,” Kane says. “Chasing down those little rats is the most fun I’ve had in a long time.”
“They’re dead?”
“Obviously,” he drawls.
“We need to go,” Lucas says, his gaze flicking around, checking for targets.
“Hold on. Heidi is injured.”
I head back into the garage, dropping down in front of Heidi. Her skin is pallid and looks even worse with the natural light swarming the place. There is a thin sheen of sweat covering her as she peers up at me.
The trust shining in her eyes isn’t deserved, but I take it anyway as I press a kiss to her forehead. “I’m gonna get you out of here.”
I bend down, sweeping her into my arms and ignoring her protests as she clings to my neck.
Neither Lucas nor Kane say anything as I walk back to them. Standing at either end of the alley are several of their men, all suited as if they’re going for a day at the office rather than on a murder spree.
I don’t care what they look like, only that they’re here.
“Thanks for the save,” I say.
“We want those Pioneer bastards dead just as much as you,” Lucas tells me.
I can’t blame him for that. It’s clear he loves his wife, and Desmond Richardson and his Pioneers remain a threat to her the longer they are allowed to keep living. That is the only reason the Fraser crime family syndicate is helping us—they have a vested interest in seeing those fuckers die.
But as grateful as I am to see them, it doesn’t mean I trust them. I don’t trust anyone outside of my club.
Heidi whimpers against my neck, bringing my attention back to her. “Fuck, I know you said it’s only a graze, but it hurts so bad.”
“I’m sorry, babe. I wish I could take the pain for you.”
“You kept me safe and that’s all that matters. I was so scared.”
“I’ve got you,” I say, following the Fraser brothers.
“I know,” she agrees, “but Trick, I also have you.”
And for some reason, those words hit me harder than if I’d been shot.