Iwork like a maniac for the next few hours after my confrontation with Hart. It’s the only way to ensure I don’t curl up in a ball and rock forward and backward.
He’s hurt me. Badly.
And I brought it on myself.
I’m the stupid one for developing a full-blown crush. I’m the idiot who fell for him. I’m the moron for believing I had the power to invoke a change.
Men don’t change. Any woman worth her XX chromosomes knows that. But I foolishly believed otherwise and now I’m paying the price.
I did the same with Casper; trying to invoke subtle changes in the hope he’d love me the way I loved him. But nothing I did was ever enough and I’m now dealing with the same emptiness, like my heart has been drained and stuck back in my body. It’s aching. Not a metaphorical ache but a full-on pain in my chest that won’t quit. It makes me work harder because focussing on work rather than my stupidity can only help.
After three solid hours, my work is done. The Gem Island campaign is complete. All I need to do is hit a few buttons for the website and the preloaded social media posts to go live and I’m set to go.
But I need the client’s final approval to do that; a physical signature on company documentation.
Damn. The last thing I want to do is face Hart again but I’ll keep this professional: get the go-ahead, thank him for his business, and be on my way.
However, when I reach his office, he’s not there and his right-hand man, Kevin, is behind Hart’s desk.
‘Hi, Kevin. Is Hart around?’
‘No, sorry, he’s gone to Melbourne.’
Shock makes me almost drop my laptop. ‘When?’
‘He left a few hours ago.’ He hesitates, as if evaluating the wisdom of saying more. ‘And I don’t know when he’s coming back.’
My heart plummets and I know it has more to do with how appalled I am that he’d leave things so badly between us than wondering how he’ll sign off on the campaign now.
‘He’s a headstrong young man, but I’m guessing you already know that?’ Kevin beckons me in and I step into the office, trying to avoid looking at the desk where our mutual anger sparked sensational sex.
‘He certainly does have strong opinions,’ I eventually say when Kevin stares at me expectantly.
‘For what it’s worth, I’ve never seen him look as happy as he has recently.’
Heat flushes my cheeks. Kevin knows? I can’t imagine Hart telling him so that means we’ve been too obvious despite trying to keep our fling under wraps.
‘Being back on the island has probably helped,’ I say, my nonchalance failing when Kevin flashes a knowing grin.
‘I think his happiness had more to do with you than Gem Island.’ Kevin leans back in his chair, his expression that of a benevolent god controlling his minions. ‘You’ve been good for him and he needs a woman like you in his life.’
I remain mute, not willing to corroborate his theory in case he’s fishing for information regarding his boss.
‘You’re as strong-willed as him. You’ll stand up to him and not take any of his crap. He needs that.’
I finally break. ‘What he needs is a swift kick up the ass.’
Kevin laughs. ‘See what I mean? You’re perfect for him.’
Unfortunately, only two of us feel that way, and we’re both currently in this office.
‘I need to discuss business.’ I also need to get this conversation back on track because dwelling on what can never be isn’t helping my already fragile state. ‘If Hart’s not around, can you help me?’
He nods. ‘I’m the new general manager, so sure.’
‘You’re in charge?’
Wow, Hart really has done a runner. I shouldn’t be surprised. It’s exactly how I’d expect him to deal with anything unpleasant. We’ve been doing a weird push-pull dance for a while now and this ultimate withdrawal should cement what I already know.