Page 51 of The Rebel

I’ve gone too far.

But there’s no turning back.

I knew what I was doing when I deliberately taunted Daisy in such a crass way. I knew she’d walk away. It’s what I wanted.

Because the moment she articulated exactly how I feel, like she could see right through me, I had to end it.

‘Is this how you were with your grandfather? Pushing him away until he had no choice but to let you go? If so, I feel sorry for you. You like to blame everyone for your misfortune rather than face up to your past and your abandonment issues.’

It wouldn’t have mattered what she said after that, I had to drive her away. Belittling what we shared was guaranteed to do that.

I’m a fool. I’ve been so hellbent on proving all we had was great sex I didn’t see the moment it moved beyond that. I’m also a coward, because rather than explain why I can’t take this thing between us further, I deliberately misled her.

She’ll think I used her. She’ll think I’m an A-grade prick. I should be glad. Yet all I feel is hollow, and my face is numb, like all those times I had to pretend being ignored or bullied or abused meant nothing.

There’s a knock at the office door and Kevin sticks his head around it. ‘You wanted to see me?’

‘Yeah, come in.’

I need to forge ahead with my plans, sooner rather than later.

‘Are you okay?’ He sits on the other side of my desk and I determinedly try to ignore the memory of Daisy bent over it. ‘You look awful.’

‘Just tired.’

Wisely, Kevin doesn’t call me on the bullshit even though he continues to stare at me with blatant curiosity. ‘What’s up?’

‘I’ve made a decision regarding the general manager position here on the island.’

His eyebrows shoot up. ‘But you haven’t interviewed anyone yet.’

‘I’ve scoured the applicants’ CVs and done remote interviews by videoconferencing.’

‘Right.’ Disappointment downturns his mouth, which gives me hope that he’ll jump at the opportunity I’m about to offer him.

‘But none of the applicants impressed me as much as you do, so I’d like to offer you the position.’

Kevin’s jaw drops before he quickly shuts it and straightens. ‘You’re serious?’

‘One hundred per cent.’ I gesture at the office. ‘I know you refused when I first offered you the position, but since I’ve been here I’ve watched you and I can’t think of a better candidate. You’ve spent three decades alongside Pa. You know how this place operates better than anyone. I can’t think of a more capable manager to ensure the Gem Island resort moves forward and continues to grow.’

‘I won’t refuse this time. Besides, the missus kicked my ass after I did the first time.’ Kevin grins like I’ve handed him the keys to the kingdom and holds out his hand. ‘Thanks, mate. I won’t let you down.’

‘I know you won’t.’ I shake his hand, relieved the first part of my plan has gone smoothly. ‘There’s just one hitch.’

‘What is it?’

‘You need to start now.’

He laughs. ‘Nice one.’

‘I’m not kidding. I need to fly to Melbourne shortly and I’m not sure how long I’ll be gone. And if all goes well there I may not be back for a while.’

Confusion creases his brow. ‘I don’t understand. We haven’t launched the new website yet—’

‘Daisy’s handling that. It will go live tomorrow morning, along with a bunch of pre-recorded podcasts and trailers shot around the island over the last week.’

‘So Daisy’s sticking around but you’re leaving?’