‘More,’ I demand, and give a little shimmy for emphasis.
His impish smile tells me I’m about to get exactly what I wish for, as he dips his head and devours me.
Little teasing licks, stronger swipes, nips and kisses, and then he starts sucking. I’m gone, my body winding tighter and higher until I’m flying, the power of my orgasm blinding me to everything but him.
Before I float back to my body, he’s inside me. A long, smooth thrust that’s decadent and divine.
‘You feel so good,’ I murmur, grabbing onto his shoulders, winding my legs around his waist.
‘Right back at you.’
Our gazes lock as he starts to move. Torturously slow. I never knew I had a G spot until him, as he slides his hands under my ass and lifts me slightly, so I’m locked around him with my legs in the tightest fit possible.
He’s taking his time, hitting that damn spot with every single thrust and I’m starting to go a little crazy, the pleasure so intense it borders on pain.
I dig my nails into his shoulders when he changes the angle again, the slightest shift making me gasp. I want to plead with him to end this exquisite torture and he must see something in my eyes because he moves faster. Pounding into me until I can’t breathe, the tension clawing at my body is that great. It builds and spirals until I’m blown apart in a detonation of pleasure so intense tears sting my eyes.
Thankfully, he doesn’t see them because he lowers his head the moment before he comes on a bellow that makes the hairs on the back of my neck snap to attention.
Neither of us speak.
There’s nothing to say.
Besides, how can I articulate the most terrifying thought?
You’ve ruined me for other men.
Chapter Seventeen
I’ve never spent the night with a woman.
It’s disarming to discover I want to despite every self-preservation mechanism in my body telling me to do the opposite and run from this villa as fast as humanly possible.
But Daisy asked me to stay and after the way I treated her earlier today, I can’t say no.
‘I didn’t pick you for a cuddler,’ she says, glancing up at me from the crook of my shoulder where her head currently rests.
‘I’m not.’ I sound gruff and temper it with, ‘But I can’t get enough of you and I’ll be ready for round two shortly.’
‘Only twice?’ She whacks me playfully on the chest. ‘Don’t forget you’re spending the night, mister, so I expect you to double that tally at least.’
‘Done,’ I say, tightening my hold on her.
She snuggles in tighter and, surprisingly, that insistent urge to bolt fades.
What’s so bad about staying the night, ensuring I wake up with an armful of hot woman? It’s not like she’s slipping a gold band on my finger.
‘Want to hear something funny?’
I’m not a talker in bed either. Once the deed is done I’m out so I can get home, usually to a hotel room. But that’s another anomaly tonight: I don’t mind her ramblings.
‘I’ve never had a vacation fling.’ Her chuckle borders on a girly giggle. ‘And even though technically I’m working, I’m at a fabulous resort with a hot guy so it feels like a vacation.’
‘You won’t say that when I make you work overtime to get my campaign out to the masses ASAP.’