Page 22 of The Rebel

I’m usually taciturn with women. Most find it a turn-on, always up for the challenge of figuring out what makes me tick. They like brooding and reserved, and I don’t have the energy to be anything other than myself.

But I can’t resist Daisy and her light-hearted smiles. She’s shooting me one right now and for a second, my chest tightens.

Her hair is loose, the sun highlighting the golden strands among the brown. She’s snagged it with one hand so the wind doesn’t blow it around her face. I want to see it wild in the gale that’s picking up. Same with the dress she’s wearing. I wouldn’t mind seeing the skirt flip up. It’s a red and white striped knee-length number that flares at the hem. It’s riding up her thighs and I openly stare at her tanned legs.

‘How big is it?’

‘We’re talking about the yacht, yeah?’

She rolls her eyes and flashes me another smile. ‘Yeah.’

She’s making me spar, which I like way too much to be good for me. But with fresh air filling my lungs, the rumble of the powerful engine beneath my feet, and a pretty girl by my side, I feel like I’m king of the world.

‘It’s forty-four foot, with a spacious living room, a fully equipped galley.’ I pause for emphasis. ‘And a killer master bedroom.’

‘Really?’ She shoots me a flirty glance from beneath her lashes. ‘Good to hear about the galley because I’m starving. You can whip me up a gourmet meal when we anchor.’

‘The captain doesn’t cook, the first mate does that, and you’re it today.’

‘I burn water, so unless you’re teasing, we’ll be hungry today.’

‘I can cook,’ I admit, refraining from telling her that if I hadn’t learned young I wouldn’t have eaten.

In the first two foster homes I was shunted to it was every man, woman, and child for themselves, with the kids eating leftovers. The last home I’d been in before Pa found me was an eye-opener, with the family welcoming me as one of their own. I’ve never forgotten the meals I ate there: cottage pie, mac and cheese, chicken stir-fry, comfort food that I enjoy to this day.

‘I’m just teasing. I can cook too.’ She winks. ‘For what it’s worth, I think a captain in the kitchen is pretty hot.’

‘It’s a galley on a yacht.’ I sound like a dickhead correcting her but I have to; either that or give in to the irrational urge to drop anchor when we’ve barely left the shore, drag her downstairs, and give her a tour of the master bedroom she’ll never forget.

‘Kitchen, galley, whatever, as long as you’re cooking in an apron, I’m there.’ She rests her arms along the back of her seat and tilts her face to the sun. This time, my cock thickens with how badly I want her.

What the hell am I doing, drawing out the inevitable like some kind of torturous foreplay? She’s agreed to a fling. I could be back at the resort right now, holed up in a villa with her naked. Instead, I’m prolonging this because she seems like the type of woman who enjoys the chase. Crazy, when technically I’ve already caught her.

‘Why the frown?’

I glance at her and consciously blank my expression. ‘I lied.’


‘I said today was about showing you the number one spot to take the best shot of the island, but it’s more than that. What we did in that cave was hot, and since you agreed to this fling, all I can think about is fucking you, but I don’t want to be a douche who’s all about the sex so I wanted to take you out and show you the sights today.’

Her hand flies to her mouth in mock horror. ‘Don’t tell me this is a D.A.T.E.?’

‘I don’t date.’

Her eyebrow quirks, calling me on my BS, and I begrudgingly add, ‘Maybe this is a date.’

‘Be still my beating heart.’ She presses her hand to her chest, drawing my attention to a tantalising hint of cleavage.

Fuck the best vantage spot. I need to have her, now.

‘There’s a sheltered cove around the next outcrop, we’ll anchor there.’ I sound gruff and clear my throat. I clench the wheel so damn hard my knuckles stand out but I need to hold on tight to prevent myself from making a grab for her.

Her eyebrow rises. ‘Are we at the spot already?’

‘No, but I can’t wait a moment longer to be inside you.’

Her mouth opens in a surprised O.