“Come on. Not too many people are going to get past this hallway today but you’re one of the few I’ll make an exception for.”

As they walked through the hallway, Grace took in some of the pictures on the wall. Alex must’ve met his wife way back in high school because there were a few of them together where they looked so young. Even back then, he was huge.

She and Sal followed him into the last room at the end of the hall with the double door entryway. His wife Valerie, a very attractive petite blonde woman with big brown eyes, smiled as she looked up. She sat on the huge bed, holding one of the babies while Sofia sat across from her on a rocking chair, holding the other one.

Grace brought her hand to her mouth as she approached. “Valerie this is my star employee, Grace. Grace this is my wife, Valerie.”

Valerie smiled. “Finally I get to meet what all the fuss is about. Alex has been going on and on about you ever since he hired you. I was beginning to get a little jealous.” She glanced down at the hand that Sal held firmly in his and smiled. “I guess I don’t have anything to worry about.”

“No, you don’t,” Sal said before Grace could answer.

Alex took the baby Sofia held. “Like any of my girls have anything to worry about. Ever.” He leaned in and kissed the baby on the nose. Then walked over to Grace with her. “This is my beautiful Sienna.”

Grace put out her hands, feeling a little nervous about holding something so fragile. “Oh my God, Alex. She is beautiful.” She had all of Alex’s features, from the dark hair to the fair skin. Her eyes were closed so she couldn’t see the color but she had the trademark full Moreno lashes.

Alex beamed. “And that other beautiful little thing over there.” He gestured toward Valerie. “Is Savannah.”

Sal walked over and took Savannah from Valerie’s arms. “Hey, baby girl. She’s awake.” Sal smiled, walking back to Grace.

“Yeah, she stays up a little longer than this sleepy head,” Alex said as Sal approached Grace so she could see her.

“Her eyes are huge!” Grace said, amazed at the sight.

They were in there for a while completely in awe of the two beautiful little creatures Alex doted over them, until their mother walked in to ask Alex and Sal if they could come out and help bring in the food that had just arrived. Sal handed the baby back to Valerie and Valerie asked Grace to take a seat on the bed.

The baby felt so tiny in her arms. She had that wonderful baby scent. “I see Sal’s staked his claim,” Valerie said, smiling. “Alex wasn’t surprised. He said he noticed something when Sal first told him about the interview he had with you. It’s normal for Sal to over think things but Alex said this interview really struck a nerve with Sal and he’d gone on and on about it.”

Sofia laughed. “I didn’t notice until the day she walked in with her hair down. You should’ve seen the look on his face. It was classic and he tried so hard to play it off.”

Though their comments made her feel good they also made her feel a little dumb. She hadn’t noticed a thing until his, “Oh, I’m impressed.” comment and even then she hadn’t been totally sure. Taylor was right again, damn it. But she supposed it was easy to be blind to these kinds of things, especially when it seems just too good to be true.

“You’re the first girl he brought home to the family, you know? Everyone is a little surprised, including my parents.”

Grace had to ask. “Why is it so hard to believe?”

Valerie and Sofia exchanged a glance that made Grace nervous. “Honestly, I was beginning to think he’d never find a girl that he thought good enough,” Sofia said, then added quickly, “Not that he thinks he’s all that. But my God, that guy is so picky about everything.”

“Tell me about it,” Valerie said. “I nearly gave up looking for a house for him. He drove me nuts. Alex had even told me at one point to just forget about it and let him find another agent because there was always something that wasn’t exactly perfect about every house I showed him. It took over a year.” She leaned over to make sure no one was coming down the hallway. “I was so sick of him.” Then she giggled. “Even after he finally settled on the house he bought, it was months before he remodeled and changed things to his liking.”

“Yeah,” Sofia said. “Don’t let him do that to you.”

“Do what?”

“Try to change you to his liking.”

So far, Sal hadn’t suggested changing anything about her. The closest thing was when he asked her why she tried to conceal her accent. I love it. You wouldn’t be Grace without it were his exact words.

“I don’t think he would,” Grace said, cooing, at the baby who finally opened a huge pair of eyes and yawned.

“No.” Valerie agreed. “I think Sal finally found someone who’s completely intrigued him. Alex had talked about the way Sal is around you and I saw the way he looks at you. Grace, I think he finally found a keeper—that is—if you’ll keep him.”

Both Valerie and Sofia laughed. Grace’s insides went wild. But she didn’t want them to know just how much that excited her. “I’m pretty intrigued too.” Was she ever.

Sofia sat the edge of her seat. “Growing up, I used to think I’d be the way my brothers were with me, when it came to their girlfriends. No one was good enough for their little sister. But so far I’ve been blessed with two wonderful sister-in-laws. I couldn’t be happier that you and Sal have hooked up. I think you’re perfect for him.” Her eyes opened in excitement. “So since you’re here today it must be getting serious, huh?”