“You want my hyperactive, genius child to visit?”
Drew looked around the room and said, “Well, not here. I want to get a bigger place and sign a year lease on a two-bedroom so that she can have her own space. I was going to talk to you about it when I visited but didn’t get a chance. I was looking into it before her party. I thought I could get her a bed and stuff, and then she could decorate it herself so that it would be hers, you know?”
“I love you,” Selma said. “You’re…”
“Yours.” Drew shrugged a shoulder. “That’s how it feels to me, anyway.”
“For me, too,” she said before she leaned in and kissed Drew slowly, wanting to savor this because she’d gone too long without it.
“How long can you–”
“Three days,” Selma interrupted. “I have to get back after that.” She moved her lips to Drew’s neck. “And Gia’s asleep, so no need to call her to tell her goodnight. We can go–”
“Yes,” Drew interrupted right back and turned Selma around until she had her walking backward and toward the bedroom. “Wait.”
Selma stopped kissing her neck and said, “What?”
“What made you change your mind?”
“Babe! Right now?”
“Yeah, right now. I need to know,” Drew stated.
“I saw it, too.” Selma ran her hand into Drew’s hair. “The images of us in a place somewhere that’s ours. You took that book you got Gia off her bed and put it away, and I was waiting for you in the doorway. You kissed me, then we went to our bedroom, and we talked about our day, just holding each other. It all felt exactly like what I wanted, and I realized I could lose that because I was too scared to let anyone into this little world I’d built around me and my daughter. But she’s getting older, so she can handle it now, and she loves you. I love you. I know I came here, and you might be thinking that this is just a visit and not what you’re looking for because you want to be there with both of us, but this isn’t just a visit, babe – this is a first step. When you come there, you won’t just be visiting. You can leave your stuff in the closet, the bathroom, the living room, have whatever you want in the fridge, and help me put Gia to bed.” Selma chuckled. “I want you everywhere.” She kissed Drew again. “Everywhere.”
“And by everywhere, do you also mean…”
“Yes,” Selma replied.
“I’m going apartment-hunting, then.” Drew smiled into their next kiss, and they began moving toward the bedroom again.
“I’ll go with you while I’m here, if you want,” Selma offered as Drew took off her shirt.
“I want. Not right now, though. Right now, I want you on this bed.”
Selma removed her own bra and then unbuttoned and unzipped her pants, which Drew pulled down for her. When she got on the bed, Drew pulled off her shoes and socks, removed Selma’s pants all the way, and reached for her underwear. Selma gasped, though, because Drew didn’t just pull them off but moved her mouth to her center and licked her hard first.
“All night long, Selma. I’m not training tomorrow, and neither are you.”
“Yes, please.”
“Hey, baby,” she said.
“Hi, Mom,” Gia replied without looking at the screen.
“What are you doing?”
“Physics and calculus.”
“You’re–” Selma shook her head because, of course, her ten-year-old was doing both physics and calculus. “Can you take a break for a minute?”
“I guess. But I have to do my homework.”
Selma smiled at her adorable kid and said, “Well, if you don’t have time to talk to Drew… Then, I guess–”
“Drew?” Gia looked up.