Page 70 of The Write Off

Logan’s body shakes against me and I assume it’s from the cold, like me. But then I hear his deep laugh coming from above me. He tightens his arms around me almost as if he’ll fall to the ground laughing if I’m not there to steady him.

Irritation needles me. He can’t possibly be enjoying this.

“If you’re going to break up with me, I’d appreciate you at least doing it with a straight face.”

This sobers him up a bit. He pulls back, tilting my chin up to meet his gaze. “Break up with you? Why would you think I’m going to break up with you?”

“Maybe because I just told your father to fuck off in a very loud, very rude, very me way?”

The confusion on his face clears and he runs his fingers over my hair, smiling at me.

“That’s the first time I’ve ever seen someone stand up to him. For me, anyway. Every time he’d come down on me, tell me what a disappointment I was, no one was ever there to take my side. Not my brother. Sure as hell not my mother. The only thing you succeeded in doing was making me fall even harder for you.”


He nods. “Really. I mean, how could I not when you declare your love for me in the same breath as threatening to let me breed you in a crowded restaurant?”

I laugh into his chest. I’m unsure if my shivering is from the cold or just my body’s response to this emotional overload. He opens his coat, wrapping one side around me then the other. A giggle rises from my chest as I realize what he’s doing.

“We’re really having a Bridget Jones moment now,” I say, smiling up at him with wet eyes. “Though in the movie she’s not wearing any pants.”

“I have a solution for that,” he says, playfully hiking my dress up. I slap his chest, laughing harder. He holds me so tightly, but I hold him even tighter.

“I love you,” I say, my voice clear and sure. “Just as you are.”

“I love you. Just as you are.”

Chapter 35


“Three words…Wine…red wine…glass…glass of wine…girl drinking wine…girls gone wild?”

I’ve never been particularly good at charades. Maybe I don’t emote as well as others do. I’ve also never enjoyed them at all. That being said, watching Josh make an ass out of himself is quite entertaining. He’s been pointing between the wine glass on the table and Rilla for almost the entire allotted minute while Maggie tries to guess. She’s a champ for trying so hard when he’s not giving her much to work with.

We’re split into three teams of two. Callum claimed me as his partner immediately. When I confided in him that I was terrible, he said he didn’t care. He just rejoiced at any opportunity to mess with Josh.

Josh deflates as the timer on his turn runs out and I watch Rilla smiling smugly at her brother.

“You know what he was trying to say, don’t you?” I ask her.

“It was pretty obvious.” She points to the glass. “Grapes and,” she points to herself, “wrath. Grapes Of Wrath.”

The room erupts in laughter and groans. Josh laughs louder than anyone, relieved that someone in the room understands him. “Thank you!”

“You and I have very different definitions of the word ‘obvious,’” Maggie says, standing up and pointing to her empty glass. “Who needs more grapes?”

Hands go up and Callum rises from his chair to help her. He grabs Maggie’s hand and spins her like a ballerina as they dance into their kitchen. Josh seizes the opportunity to take his place next to me.

“If it makes you feel better, I don’t think I’ll do much better when it’s my turn.” I admit, grimly. I’m not the most expressive person and without words, I doubt I’ll be able to get my meaning across.

He grins at me. “It does, a little bit. But it doesn’t matter. Our girlfriends are going to wipe the floor with both of our teams.”

“Acceptance is an important part of the healing process, Josh,” Rilla tosses out before winking at me.

“Did we not rule that you and Betty weren’t allowed to be teammates anymore?”

“That ruling was overturned.”