Page 42 of The Write Off

“Then you’ll get to say that you were right.”

This may be the first time in my life that I don’t want to be.

“Alright,” I sigh, extending my arms to the side in defeat. “Stop begging. I will date you.”

A grin breaks out on his face and I can hear my pounding heart in my ears. “Thank you.”

“Don’t thank me yet. It’s your funeral.”

Logan pays for our breakfasts and helps me into my coat, which I guess officially makes this a date. Our second date. Third, if you count last night, which we probably should. Right? I feel like I’m being tested on a subject I’ve never paid any attention to.

As he walks me home, he doesn’t try to hold my hand. I’m both grateful that he’s not smothering me and curious what it would feel like. I haven’t held anyone’s hand since I was a little kid being led around by my parents.

We turn to each other when we reach the apartment and I wonder what happens next.

“I’d like to kiss you now,” he says. His dark eyes flit to my mouth and I lick my lips instinctively.

“I mean, if you have to–”

With his hands on my waist, Logan lifts me up and sets me down on the steps, bringing us much closer to eye level. “Just saving my neck from bending all that way,” he murmurs as he leans towards me.

I don’t even attempt a witty retort, just anxiously await the comforting weight of his lips on mine. There is nothing stiff or awkward about the way Logan kisses me. In fact, he does it with a kind of certainty that vanquishes the doubts and questions that swim through my mind.

His hand cups my face, surprisingly warm fingers brushing against my wind-chilled cheek. I’m not sure how long he kisses me, but it feels like it ends too soon. He pulls away, slightly, before leaning in and stealing another kiss, as though he needed one more taste.

“Maple syrup,” he sighs, the moment his lips rise from mine.


“That sweet scent that I could never place on you. It’s maple syrup.” I’m practically a puddle on the sidewalk when he asks, “Can I see you next weekend?”

I want to tell him he can see more of me right now. I’m another kiss away from stripping naked in the cold March air and launching myself at him.

“I’ve got plans on Friday, but I’m free on Saturday.”

“Great. I’m watching Travis and Anna during the day, but if you want to come over in the evening I’ll cook you dinner.”

“Do you own an apron?” The question tumbles from my lips before my brain has the good sense to stop it, but an image of Logan in an apron with his sleeves rolled up has formed in my mind and I need to know.

“Of course I do. I’m not an animal,” he deadpans.

“Did you just make another joke?”

He leans in again, this time giving me a quick kiss on my cheek before starting to back away. “You must be rubbing off on me. I’ll see you Saturday, Rilla.”

“See you.”

I watch him get further and further away from me, imagining all the ways I’d like to rub off on him.

Chapter 21


“What do you mean, you hid the board games?”

Callum is all smiles as he looks between Josh and me. “I mean, I hid the board games.”

“What the hell, man?” Josh appears as baffled as I am as he grabs his beer.