Click click click.
Click click click.
Logan sits calmly at his desk, completely at ease, reading over part of my manuscript on his computer screen. All the while, he clicks his pen.
It’s not always the same number of clicks, but there does appear to be a rhythm to it. Morse code maybe? Is he sending an encrypted message? Sharing my manuscript secretly with pirates? Whatever it is, this form of psychological torture is about to break me.
Click click click.
“Have you considered changing Cyprian’s response to Annora’s defense of the elves?” Logan asks, interrupting my thoughts. Considering that I was wondering if I could plead insanity if I took the pen and attacked him with it, it’s probably for the best.
“Why would I do that?”
“I don’t think his reaction suits his character. I’d expect him to be more empathetic to the elves’ cause. He’s the hero type, as well as the romantic lead.”
Oh, Logan, my pretty pawn.
“Is he, though?” My tone is all innocence and it causes him to tear his eyes away from the screen and focus on me.
“Isn’t he?” His usual stoney expression is filled with doubt. I fight to keep a straight face, but my inner self is jive dancing.
“I suppose.” I take a long sip of my coffee as my eyes scan the office. It’s nicely decorated, but not over the top. The only thing on the walls is his degree which is mounted in a frame that looks more costly than my monthly rent. There’s a single photo frame on the desk, but it’s facing away from me. Wedding photo? He’s not wearing a ring. Kid?
When I’m done judging my surroundings, I find his gaze again and add, “For now.”
He stares me down and I stare back, unblinking. I’m not sure how much time passes, but if he wants to win a staring contest, he shouldn’t have challenged someone with an older brother and a stubborn disposition.
“You’re planning on changing Annora’s love interest?” He says it plainly enough, but there is a spark of surprise on his face.
“Of course.”
“Since when?”
“Since always.”
“But…” He runs his long fingers through his thick, dark hair. “You’ve clearly framed Cyprian to be the love interest.”
I try to keep the mocking edge out of my tone. “I’m not sure how many books you’ve edited, Logan, but have you ever heard of a plot twist?”
The left corner of his mouth curves up. “Of course I’ve heard of a plot twist, Rilla. I just didn’t see that one coming.”
Satisfaction floods my body like a post-sex endorphin rush. “Well, I think that means I’m doing it right.”
“I’d have to agree.” He’s impressed. I’m not sure why that pleases me so much, but it does.
“Don’t beat yourself up. It’s not going to happen until halfway through book three.”
“Right.” He leans back in his chair, scratching the side of his jaw. There’s a hint of dark stubble in stark contrast against his complexion. “A six book series. A lot can happen before you wrap that up.”
Believe me: A lot does.
“How detailed are your outlines for each novel?”