Page 57 of The Write Off

“And when do we get our advance copy of your book?” she asks Rilla.

“They said they’ll start printing them sometime in the summer for advanced copy readers.” She looks at me for confirmation and I nod. “They’ll start the promotional campaign around that time too.”

“They’re going to promote it?” Her mother looks genuinely surprised. “That’s very exciting.”

“Yeah, of course.” Rilla goes a bit rigid next to me. “They seem pretty excited about the debut, actually.”

“That’s wonderful, Sweetie. Just know that whatever happens we’re very proud of you. Your father and I will always support whatever endeavors you choose to pursue; you know that.”

I scan the faces at the table trying not to look as confused as I feel. Do they not know how big this book is expected to be?

The check comes and we prepare to head out. Almost everyone goes to the restroom, leaving only Betty and I waiting at the main entrance. The moment we’re alone, she starts talking like she’s on a game show with a timer counting down.

“Look, Rilla’s got a hard exterior, but a soft center and even though she acts tough, she bruises easily. I can tell you like her and I hope you realize how much she likes you, even if she’s not shouting it from the rooftops, she really likes you. I know her better than I know myself and there’s a good chance that at some point she’s going to get scared of how she feels and attempt to push you away, and I really hope you won’t let her. Because she’s the best. The actual best, and because she’s the best, she deserves the best. Lastly, if you ever hurt her, I will not hesitate to come for you. There will not be a place you can hide where I won’t be able to track you down, and when I do, I’ll make it look like your death was an accident. Do you understand?”

Considering she’s more than a foot shorter than me, she’s surprisingly terrifying.

“I understand. And you don’t need to worry,” I say watching Rilla appear again and start towards us. Her face lights up when her eyes meet mine and it stops my heart. “I’m not going anywhere.”

Chapter 28


“Mr. Thompson has already arrived and is expecting you.”

The elegant hostess takes my coat and leads me through the upscale sushi restaurant. I thought I looked okay in my tights and tunic when I left the apartment but now I’m feeling underdressed on top of wondering why I’m here.

Why am I here?

Bryce’s assistant called me this morning saying that he wanted to meet with me as soon as possible. Naturally, I freaked the fuck out. Why did he want to meet with me now? Has something changed? Have they changed their mind? Did they decide I’m more hassle than I’m worth, so they’ve decided to cut me and the book loose?

I’d called Logan in a total panic to see if he had heard anything. He assured me he hadn’t and that Bryce probably just wanted to discuss the details of the promotional campaign. He’d offered to come with me, but I told him I’d be fine and that I’d update him as soon as the meeting was over.

“There’s my favorite author,” Bryce calls as I approach the table. His eyes scan me head to toe, lingering on some parts more than others. On a scale of one to ten with one being harmless and ten being creepy, it’s a solid seven and a half, rapidly approaching an eight.

Bryce is not bad looking, but there is a prominent air of entitled asshole about him that makes him almost unbearable.

“You look great,” he says appreciatively, as though I was dressing for him and not just to be professional.

“Thank you.”

“Tell me about book two. Are you managing to stay on target for me?”

I’d like to put a target on your forehead and practice my aim.

“It’s been going really well. I don’t think I’ll have any issues meeting my deadlines.”

“Amazing.” His sleazy grin almost makes me nauseated. “I just knew you’d live up to my expectations”.


As we wait for our food, Bryce fills the air with anecdotes that I presume are supposed to amuse and impress me. I force myself to smile and nod, waiting for him to get around to why we’re actually here.

When the food arrives, I eat while he continues to talk incessantly.

“How is the sushi?”

“It’s excellent,” I reply. It’s the first time I’ve spoken in more than ten minutes as Bryce is perfectly comfortable carrying the conversation all on his own. To keep myself sane, I play Bryce Bingo in my head. So far we’re at 3 grandfather comments and 2 third-person references.