Page 47 of Pucking Revenge

Beside me, my boss shakes with laughter, then steps away.“God, you’re so easy to rile up.” He slides his hands into his pockets and rocks back on his heels. “Aiden, why don’t we leave the lovebirds to themselves? You can have dinner with me.”

Brooks slides a palm down his face. “I can’t believe I’m saying this, but I can’t in good conscience let him go with you. The man fucking reeks.”

Aiden glares at Brooks and stomps his foot like a little boy.

Gavin laughs, moving closer to his baby brother. “So go home and shower, you idiot.”

“Jill kicked me out.”The poor guy hangs his head, and my heart aches. It’s rare to see the silliest of the Langfield brothers anything but chipper.

Gavin holds up his hands and quickly changes direction, backing up toward the street. “I’m not touching that with a ten-foot pole. Aiden,” he commands, pointing a finger, “break up with Jill. She sucks.” Then he turns his attention our way. “Brooks, I swear I wasn’t hitting on your woman. Sara, great job today. No more butt stuff, okay?”

With a wink at me, he spins on his heel and practically skips down the block, probably reveling in the knowledge that he just kicked up a full-blown shitstorm.

“Butt stuff?” Aiden hisses.

“Dude, read the room and go the fuck away,” Brooks snaps in a way I rarely witness. The man is always so easygoing, but apparently his vast well of patience has run temporarily dry.

“I swear I didn’t offer to have anal sex with your brother.”

It takes everything in me not to smack myself when those words are the ones my brain has chosen to spit out.

And from the scowl he shoots me, he doesn’t appreciate them either.

“Or any kind of sex,” I explain, because obviously that elaboration is so much better. “Not even oral.”

“Oh my God,” Aiden mumbles, dropping his head into one hand. “Stop while you’re ahead.”

I really, really should. The smelly man is right. But the blank stare on Brooks’s face is freaking me the fuck out, and when I’m freaked out, I can’t control the words that spew from my lips. “Not that I’m opposed to butt stuff. It’s just—I wouldn’t do that with your brother. Obviously.” I let out an exasperated breath, trying to convey how ridiculous that would be.

Brooks only blinks. Shit.

Aiden at least has the courtesy to grumble. “Any chance you can teach me how to use the washing machine?”

I bite my lip and look between the two men. “Um, sure.”

“We’re busy,” Brooks grits out. “Stop making plans with my brothers.”

With an awkward laugh, I grasp his wrist and tug. “I never made plans to do butt stuff with Gavin. I swear it.”

Brooks slides a palm down his face and groans. “Please stop saying butt stuff.”

“It’s a totally normal thing to do, Brooks.”

Shoulders slumping, he peeks at me from between his fingers, but he doesn’t respond.

I hold up my hands. “Fine. No more butt stuff. Aiden, meet me in the laundry room in thirty minutes.”



Lennox: Guess who’s coming home tomorrow and can come to a game with her bestie?!

Me: Really? Shut up!

Lennox: Want to hang before? I fly in late tonight, so I can head your way tomorrow morning.

Me: Yes. I have so much to tell you.