Page 85 of Pucking Revenge

Me: No.

Aiden: I’ll be right over.

Beckett: Let him be. I’ll see you all tomorrow? We can take DOG to the park with Finn. And Brooks, you can snuggle Addie. She makes everything better. If that doesn’t help, then we can make friendship bracelets with Winnie.

I shake my head and read that last text again. It’s insane to think that’s who my older brother has become. And yet, beneath the hard CEO persona he wore for so long, he’s always been caring and attentive. And he’s always been so damn aware of what the people around him need.

For most of my life, I thought my uncle had taught me to be a good person, but the more distance I put between myself and him, the more I see that the lessons that really shaped me all happened at home.

Maybe Sara is right. Maybe Seb had nothing to do with the parts of me she loves. He molded me into the athlete I am, sure. But the nice guy, the one who smiles at everyone, the guy who genuinely enjoys life? I can still be him in spite of Seb, not because of him. And more importantly, I think I want to be that guy for Sara. And for me.

Gavin: Ha! So you admit you named him DOG? And cuddles with Addie sound perfect. I’m in. Brooks, call me if you need me.

Aiden: Same.

Me: Thanks guys. I’ll see you tomorrow.

“And that, Uncle Gav, is how you tie the bracelet off.” Winnie holds up the blue and gray beaded bracelet that says Best Uncle.

I snatch it from her hand before Gavin can accept it. “Thanks, Bear,” I say with a cheeky smile. Beckett gave her the nickname when he met her, and it stuck.

We’ve been through the whole list of Beckett’s suggestions. We spent the afternoon at the park letting Beckett’s mutt of a best friend chase the squirrels while Finn chased him. I got in some good snuggles with Addie before she went down for a nap, and now bracelet-making time is over.

Liv and Dylan are in the kitchen making dinner. Dylan’s husband Cortney is snuggled up with his baby girl on the couch, and Beckett is set up in his favorite armchair. The two of them are chatting baseball. The season is over, but they’re already making plans for next year.

Aiden has disappeared with Finn and Liam, Dylan’s teenage son. I don’t even want to know what kind of prank they’re planning.

Finn jabbered on about how he took over as king of pranks when they moved out of the brownstone from hell—Beckett’s words, not mine—and Liam shot Beckett a look. Probably because of the curse the six-year-old so naturally uttered along with his declaration.

Beckett shook his head. “I already paid Finn for that slip. I’m not paying you because he repeated it.”

Winnie giggles, her freckled cheeks going rosy. “I’ll make three more Best Uncle bracelets. But I’ll use fire colors for Uncle Dec’s.”

I bite back a groan. I always forget that there’s another uncle to contend with. Liv’s brother still lives in their hometown and is the local fire chief.

Winnie darts out of the room and clomps up the stairs, probably in search of more beads.

Thankful for the break from bracelet-making, I slump back in my chair at the dining room table.

“You gonna tell me what’s going on?” Gavin doesn’t look away from the bracelet he’s making. Oddly, this one says Peaches.

“Might as well call the rest of them in so I don’t have to tell this story seventeen times.” I push back and balance on two chair legs, then I let out a whistle. “Beckett, can you come here?”

Cortney stands, cradling his sleeping daughter on his chest. “I’m going to put her down and see if Dylan and Liv need help with dinner.” He winks at me, then heads out. The man has an uncanny ability to read the room, so I have no doubt he understands my need for privacy. I appreciate it. I need their advice, and in order to get it, I’m going to have to open up. But I’d rather keep the details of the situation in the family.

Sara’s relationship with Seb is her secret, not mine, so I avoid that issue and stick to the ones that involve me. I explain how Coach caught us fooling around and how I got into a fight with him over it. I keep some of the details vague, since Seb’s official story is that he tripped and fell and that’s why he’s sporting a broken nose.

The way Gavin’s eyes narrow on me makes it clear he’s reading between the lines, but I continue on.

“Anyway, I didn’t handle it well. After the fight with Seb, I pulled back. He never should have seen her in that position. I shouldn’t have put her in that damn position. And now she’s worried that her job isn’t secure. She was upset and afraid that she took things too far with me. And because of the way I acted, she’s worried that she’ll be left in the cold.”

Gavin lets out a low whistle.

“I’m speaking to my brother, by the way,” I say pointedly. “Not to the owner of the team or her boss.”

Gavin juts his chin. “That’s a given. As your brother, I love seeing the two of you together. And as your boss and hers, I’m all for it. The fans love it too. Obviously we’d all prefer that you’re dressed when we see you together, but I think Beckett’s with me when I say that sometimes it’s hard not to get caught up in the moment and do stupid things.”

Beckett smirks. “I never do anything stupid.”