“Go back to Argentina and dance the tango, I’m guessing.”

Margaret laughed. “No, Arch, the one thing I never do is repeat myself. Plus, I have finally realized that I’ve got to slow down. So I think I’ll go on a walking tour of Ireland next.”

He glanced over at Tessa and found her looking back at him, her beautiful blue eyes dancing. It was as though she was saying, What can I do? She’s a force of nature. I can’t stop her.

He hoped his silent nod let Tessa know that he completely understood. Margaret was a delightful and inspiring woman. She always walked her own path, and if she ever fell, she’d just pick herself up, dust herself off, and keep on going.

Margaret tapped her cast. “I’m getting this dreadful thing off tomorrow, and then with a couple of weeks of physical therapy, I should be as good as new.”

“As long as you actually do your exercises,” Tessa reminded her. Something about her tone let him know that she might look soft and sweet, but she was no pushover.

Then the inevitable happened. A couple of teenage girls giggled and started taking pictures of him. Though he truly appreciated his fans, right at this moment he hoped they’d be too nervous to approach him. He wanted a chance to learn more about Tessa.

But suddenly the pair came running up. “Are you Archer Davenport?” one asked him breathlessly.

“Yes, I am,” he said. No point in denying it. At least they were too young to push their phone numbers into his hand or suggest they go somewhere a little more quiet, which had happened more times than he could count.

More giggling. “Can we get a selfie?”

He was about to agree when Margaret stepped forward. “Young ladies, don’t you have any respect? Archer Davenport might be an actor, but he gets time off too. And the last thing he needs is to be bothered by a couple of impudent young stalkers.”

They looked so shocked they took a step back. One of them mumbled an apology, and the other looked like she was about to cry.

But he knew they meant no harm. “It’s okay. I’d be happy to take a picture with you both.”

He stood between the girls as they snapped their selfies. He was careful not to put an arm around their shoulders. He didn’t want their pictures showing up on the Internet, making it look like he was inappropriately touching teenage girls.

Once they’d taken their selfies, the bolder of the two said, “I loved you in Morocco. Are you and Sonia Montefiore getting married?”

How many times had he been asked that question? Sonia Montefiore had recently been named People magazine’s most beautiful woman in the world. And she truly was beautiful on the outside. Unfortunately, she was also narcissistic and humorless, and the one time they’d had lunch together, she’d spent more time calculating the calories on her plate than having any kind of conversation with him. Still, they’d made a movie together, and they were both good enough actors that they’d managed to scorch the screen with pretend passion. But once the cameras cut, they’d headed to their separate trailers. He had nothing against the woman, but the rumors about their love affair were so far exaggerated it was ridiculous.

“I’m glad you enjoyed the movie,” he replied, “but no, Sonia and I are not getting married. We’re not a couple.”

The quieter one looked quite happy with that clarification. Then she finally spoke up. “I’ve heard you live here? Is that true? Which house is yours? Is it one of the mansions over there?” She pointed toward Pebble Beach.

He shook his head. “I live in Los Angeles most of the time. Soon I’ll be finishing shooting my latest movie.” He didn’t let on that he did have a house here.

Giggling, madly waving good-bye, the two girls ran off, all gangly legs and bouncing hair.

He’d been aware of Tessa watching him throughout that little interchange. He hoped he hadn’t come across like a conceited movie star. It was a fine line to walk—keeping fans from getting too familiar and yet still happy to see his movies. Tessa didn’t say anything, but Margaret piped up.

“You’d think they’d know better. I’m very glad you didn’t tell them you lived just steps from the beach. That was good thinking. They’d be camping out on your doorstep.” Margaret pointed and told Tessa, “That’s Archer’s place on Scenic Drive. Even though I’ve never been invited in,” she added with a raised eyebrow, “I hear it’s got its own screening room, and it’s one of only a few houses in town that has a gym and an indoor swimming pool in the basement.”

He got the heavy hint. “Margaret, if both you and I are ever in town long enough, I’ll have you over, and that’s a promise.”

Though Margaret was in her eighties, she looked as pleased as the teenage girls had been when they got their selfie.

And this time when Tessa Taylor glanced at him, he was pretty sure he saw the warm light of approval in her eyes.

“Tessa,” he said, “I’m assuming you’ll also be attending the party tonight?”

When the Davenports celebrated, they often included their friends in town. His father loved a good crowd for his birthday, whereas his mother preferred to celebrate quietly with only family. No question it was going to be crowded and noisy tonight at the Davenport family home.

“Of course I will,” Tessa said. With a smile, she added, “Otherwise, how could I make sure that Margaret doesn’t get up on a table and show off her dance moves?”

“That’s great news,” he said, letting his gaze linger on Tessa’s face until she blushed slightly and turned away.

His phone dinged, and his brother Finn’s name popped up on the screen with a message. “Looks like I’ve been assigned the task of bringing a couple of big bags of ice for the party drinks.”