“Wait,” Miles said, stopping her. “You forgot this.”
She faced him.
And saw her thong dangling from his forefinger, his expression blank, as if it was something he’d picked up off the floor and not something that he’d slept with clutched in his hand like a prize fought for and won.
Once again proving that to him, she was less than nothing.
Humiliated, furious, she closed the distance between them and snatched her thong from his finger.
Then she turned and stormed away, knowing Miles and his sister were watching every step she took. She kept her head high. Refused to look back.
She may not have on any underwear, but by god, she still had her dignity.
And she was never, ever letting anyone take that from her again.
Not even Miles Jennings.
Chapter 8
As Tabitha crossed the street, Miles kept his lips clamped together to stop himself from calling her name. From asking her to come back.
She got in her car, started it, and pulled away.
He should’ve stayed in his house.
He didn’t like seeing her drive away any more than he’d liked seeing her turn her back on him and walk away from him in his living room last night.
Didn’t like her leaving him. At all.
He should have been glad he’d woken up alone. That she’d saved him the humiliation of reliving any aspect of his breakdown.
Should have been grateful he hadn’t had to tell her to leave.
Instead, he’d been furious that she’d walked away from him a second time without a word—and no, that goddamn note she’d left him ten years didn’t count. He’d chased after her like some fucking sap, only to find her in conversation with his sister.
Did he coerce you? Offer to get you out of trouble or reduce any charges against you in exchange for certain favors?
She obviously didn’t think much of him. Couldn’t, if she believed he’d ever use his position to abuse others.
Yes, he should be glad she was gone. Out of his life once again.
And he was. He was fucking ecstatic.
Even if it felt like there was more left unsaid and undone between them than ever before.
“No more one-night stands or casual hookups for you,” Verity said. “You can’t be trusted to make safe, rational decisions when meaningless sex is involved. Congratulations. You’ve just jumped to the top of my list.”
“Top of your list for what?” he asked warily, hoping it was her shit list.
Christ knew he spent enough time there.
“To find you your forever person. I thought Urban was the one who needed the whole wife and white picket fence thing, but you’ve proved me wrong. Not an easy thing to do, by the way. I mean, I hate to let Urban fumble his way to a happy ending with Willow on his own, but you obviously need me more than he does.”
And the last thing he needed was his baby sister butting into his personal life.
Urban didn’t need her help either, but their eldest brother had made it clear in front of Miles, Toby, and Verity a few nights ago that he had feelings for his best friend and business partner Willow Kincaid.
His mistake.