She jumped, her heart leaping to her throat, but she didn’t take her eyes off the boy in front of her. Couldn’t help wanting to know what he’d been about to say.

Even as she promised herself no matter what it was, it wouldn’t change anything.

“I’ll be down in a minute!” she told her brother.

He jiggled the handle. “Unlock the door.”


“Open the goddamn door,” another voice demanded. “Now.”

She groaned. Great. Miles was here.

He sometimes showed up for coffee after working a night shift. Or before starting a day one.

“One minute,” she called, shooting for a light, I’m just a silly, teenaged girl who definitely did not sneak a boy into her bedroom last night and isn’t, right this moment, wondering whether it’d be better for her to shove him in the closet, under the bed or out the window tone.

“Don’t make me break down the door,” Miles warned.

“Jeez. Dramatic, much?”

“Or we could use the key,” Urban pointed out dryly.


The window it was.

Before she could mime her plan to Reed, he turned. The dogs trotted behind him across the room.

Straight toward the door.

Lunging after him, she grabbed his arm. “What are you doing?” she mouthed, eyes wide in case he did not grasp the precariousness of the situation they were in.

But he, like all the other males in her life, ignored her.

And reached with his free hand to open the door.

Chapter 46

Opening the door and facing down two of Verity’s big brothers, one of them a cop in full uniform, was about the stupidest thing Reed had ever done.

But he didn’t want Verity lying for him or getting into trouble because of him. He’d take the blame for being there, do whatever it took to get their attention off her and onto him.

The bearded brother, the one she must live with, took one look at Verity, then at Reed and sighed like one of those TV dads. One that loved their kids, no matter how often they fucked up or how many times they disappointed them.

But the cop?

His gaze took in everything from how close Verity stood to Reed, to the messed-up quilt on the bed, to the first aid kit on the side table, to Titus pressed against Reed’s side, before settling his glare on Reed.

And while Reed didn’t give a shit that Jennings looked like he wanted to skewer Reed’s balls on a rusty nail, when he slanted a narrow eyed, tight lip look at Verity, Reed smirked.

Like some asshole who’d spent all night railing the guy’s little sister. Was proud of it.

And couldn’t wait to do it again.

Which got the cop’s attention off her and back onto Reed.

Just like he’d wanted.