Urban: You know Miles bringing a date to dinner isn’t a miracle. I’ve brought Willow to plenty of family dinners.
Verity: Willow doesn’t count. First of all, she’s always been like family. Secondly, we all knew you and her whole Just Friends baloney was a cover to hide your mutual deep-seated love. Speaking of which, since I’m the one who ultimately got you two together, please feel free to name your firstborn after me.
Urban: What if our firstborn is a boy?
Verity: Uh, in this house, we are gender neutral and do not prescribe to antiquated and sexist views about gender “rules” including whether or not a name is “female” or “male”
Willow: Also, could we please not discuss Urban and my future children? This whole relationship is still new.
Toby: You’ve known each other your entire lives.
Toby: And we’re eating in three and a half minutes.
Miles: It’s like you want me to kick your ass
Toby: You feeling lucky punk?
Willow: We’ve known each other as friends our entire lives. Not as potential parental partners. All I’m saying is that there’s much to discuss between us before we decide on whether or not to procreate.
Verity: No worries about Urban. He’s a great dad. Look how fabulous I turned out.
Toby: Humble.
Eli: I don’t know how to put this but I’m kind of a big deal
Silas: Make it ducking stop.
Willow: Still, Urban and I have only been an official couple for a few weeks. How about he and I actually discuss it first before we open that conversation up to the general public?
Silas: I’m taking myself out of this chat.
Silas: Verity, do not add me to it again!
Silas: I mean it!
Verity: Don’t you dare, Silas Roscoe Jennings!
Eli: Roscoe
Verity: You are a part of this family and as such, you will be involved in family discussions. Period. If we don’t include you in this chat, you’ll never know what’s going on with any of us.
Silas: So take notes and fill me in the next time I come home. I can’t get dragged into this bullshit every week. I’m a little busy serving our country and protecting its freedoms.
Urban: And we all appreciate your service.
Silas: Duck off ball-boy.
Silas: Ducking autocorrect.
Verity: It’s not autocorrect. The last time you were home I changed your phone to switch the f word to duck.