This was her way of forcing his hand. Pushing him to give in.
Or give her up.
Giving in meant losing his pride.
But giving her up meant the death of something bigger. More important. A dream he’d been holding onto for the past decade. Something he hadn’t even realized he’d been wanting until she’d walked up to him a month ago and turned his entire world upside down.
A second chance.
An opportunity to do it right this time. To fix all his mistakes. To convince her to stay.
Instead, he kept fucking it all up. Kept letting his precious pride, his doubts and fears, push her away.
Only to end up right back where he started. Missing her like he’d missed her ten years ago. Wanting her, like he’d wanted her from the first time he’d seen her.
He gave her wrist a gentle squeeze, then let go of her hand.
And began unbuttoning his jeans.
The victory in her eyes nearly undid him. Her entire face glowed with it, her lips curving in a small, satisfied grin.
Triumph looked damn good on her.
Tongue touching her upper lip, she watched him unzip his jeans like she was anticipating some tasty treat. Her eyes darkened to midnight blue as he tugged his jeans and boxer briefs down a few inches. Lifted out his aching cock.
He gave himself a long, slow stroke, and she visibly swallowed.
“Tell me what you want,” he demanded, low and guttural. “Tell me what you like.”
“That’s not how this is going to go. This isn’t about me. I will not be the one unraveling tonight.”
Her intent was clear.
She meant to ruin him.
For some fucked up reason, his cock liked that idea, going even harder in his hand. Precum beaded at the tip, thick and glossy, and he stroked his thumb over it, spreading it around. Tipped the glistening head of it toward her as he gave himself another slow stroke.
Her eyes flashed with heat and hunger.
But she didn’t move. Made no effort to touch him.
“I won’t beg,” he grumbled. “If that’s what you’re waiting for.”
“I don’t want you to beg.”
“You want me to break.”
She shook her head. “I want what’s true.”
And damn if she wasn’t once again tossing his own words back at him. Forcing him to play by the same rules he’d enacted.
“Show me how much you want me,” she whispered. “Give me everything you’ve always held back from me. If you do break, I promise I’ll be here to help you pick up the pieces.”
I’m taking control.
She was taking his control.
More than that, she wanted him to give it to her.