“For the love of Christ,” Miles muttered.

“I mean, obviously, his face didn’t hurt—”

“Oh, I don’t know. Every time I see it, I get a little swoony pang” —Hayden tapped her chest— “Here.”

Tabitha snorted out a laugh. “Yeah, I’m well acquainted with that pang.”

It was as strong as ever and went so nicely with the swoop in her stomach and the clench of her ovaries when his eyes met hers.

“He was charming,” she continued, knowing he was listening. “And funny and kind and smart.” She took a deep, careful breath and turned to face him, but his gaze was on the bar, his mouth a thin line. “But he was also sad and broken and trying desperately to pretend he wasn’t either of those things. And the main reason we didn’t work out was because I realized he was with me because I was pretty and malleable and convenient, and he was… lost. Lost and terrified of being alone.”

His head came up slowly, slowly, his hooded gaze unreadable as it met hers. Breath held, heart pounding, she waited for him to deny it.

For him to admit it.

For him to realize that what happened between them wasn’t entirely her fault.

Even if she was the one carrying all the blame.

But in the end, all she got was his silence as he slid to feet, pulled a twenty from his wallet and tossed it onto the bar.

All she got was his back as he did to her what she’d done to him all those years ago.

Walked away.

Chapter 2

“Miles,” Tabitha called from behind him.

Ignoring her, Miles used the key fob in his hand to unlock the car doors. In less than a minute, he’d be behind the wheel driving away.

Then he could go home and pretend he hadn’t let Tabitha chase him out of the bar. That seeing her hadn’t affected him at all.

That he didn’t still think about her.

He was with me because I was pretty and malleable and convenient.

She made it sound like he’d picked her off a shelf. Like she’d been a toy for him to play with.

Like he’d taken advantage of her. Used her.

And he was… lost. Lost and terrified of being alone.

Reaching his car, he yanked open the door.

And went utterly, completely still when Tabitha laid her hand lightly against his mid back.

He turned slowly and her hand dropped, but she didn’t step back.

“Fastest way back to Pittsburgh is to take the highway.” He crossed his arms and gestured to the right with his chin. “Take North Pearl Street three blocks to Fifth Ave then turn right onto Elm Street. You’ll see the signs for the expressway.”

“Why, Assistant Chief Jennings. Is that your way of saying this town isn’t big enough for the both of us?”

“I hadn’t realized Hayden was such a gossip.”

Although after her king of one night stands crack, he shouldn’t be surprised she’d told Tabitha his job title.

“Congratulations,” she said, light and, it seemed, honest. “Looks like your life has gone according to your plans.”