Fuck that. He had no reason to feel guilty. It wasn’t his job to coddle her or to check on her.

She wasn’t his to protect.

Even if he had defended her against her cop brother that night when he’d found her with Reed on the side of the road.

She wasn’t his to please.

Although, yeah, he had left work to get ice cream with her and the kid just because she’d asked him to.

She wasn’t his to be jealous over.

Like he’d been when they’d been at the ice cream shop and some asshole who’d graduated a year above them had flirted with her.

And she sure as hell wasn’t his to save.

But he’d done it anyway, dancing with her at the wedding because she’d looked sad and lonely sitting at a table with her brothers.

She wasn’t his. In any way, shape, or form.

But she could’ve been.

Chapter 12

Verity leaned back against the door, her stomach in knots.

She refused to cry.

Opening her eyes wide, she blinked and blinked and blinked. Gave a soft, pitiful sniff that Reed would only hear if he was pressed against his side of the door and had supersonic hearing.

She would not break down over something Reed Walsh said. Not after she’d promised herself weeks ago she’d never cry over him again.

But, oh, God, he was right. She’d been a brat.

Shame washed over her, thick and heavy, clinging to her like a second skin. She hated to be in the wrong, and yet she’d jumped smack dab into the middle of it.

Now she had to fix it.

Ian came out of the kitchen, head down as he took slow, careful steps, one of the bowls they used for her yellow Lab, Bella, filled with water in his outstretched hands.

Like, filled to the brim.

Not for long, though.

Each step he took, water sloshed out over the side and onto the hardwood floor. At this rate, the bowl would be empty, and she’d have a small flood on her hands by the time he reached the door.

Ian stopped a few feet from where she was pressed against the door. “I got the water.”

“So I see.” Straightening, she peered into the bowl. “Did you manage to keep any in the bowl?”

He glanced down, then nodded.

Must be nice to be so immune to sarcasm.

“Can I give that guy’s dog some of Bella’s treats?” he asked.

Verity brought Bella with her most days during the week, so Kat had a stash of dog bowls, food, treats and toys. “That guy’s name is Reed. And, yes, if it’s okay with him.”

“I’ll get them,” he said, shoving the water bowl at her, forcing her to take it before he took off toward the kitchen.