Yes, Tabitha had promised him last night she wouldn’t leave him this way again. but obviously something had changed. Something had scared her.
She needed him to be by her side. To fight for her. For them.
Now more than ever.
He thought he was being brave, so fucking courageous forgiving Tabitha. Giving her another chance. But forgiveness meant nothing without trust.
And bravery was easy when you had nothing at risk.
But Tabitha was worth any risk he had to take.
He just had to have faith that no matter where he ended up, no matter what she decided, whether to be with him or not, he’d figure out a way to be okay.
He struggled to his feet, amazed by how effectively, how efficiently Kat had just yanked his head out of his own ass.
You had to respect a skill like that.
There was obviously a hidden meaning beneath her words, an understanding of what it was like to be scared, to feel alone in the world. To feel as if you had to keep running to be safe. It just reminded him of how closed off Kat kept herself from his family. From everyone, it seemed, other than Ian and Verity.
They knew very little about her past. Or about her.
She had secrets, that was for sure.
But that was something to dig into at a later date.
Right now, he had to go and get his girl.
“If I didn’t think you’d break my nose,” he told Kat, “I’d kiss you right now.”
Her smile was small and mean, but her eyes flashed with grudging humor. “I’m more of a smash a guy’s balls up to his throat kind of girl.”
He winced—and as covertly as possible shifted to the side, holding the water ball in front of his balls. “Noted. And… thanks.”
“What can I say?” she said, deadpan. “I’m a sucker for love.” She held out her hand. “Go on. I’ll lock up.”
He gave her the water bottle, then raced down the stairs, jumping the last three. He’d made a mistake, not trusting Tabitha. Not trusting in what they were starting to build together.
But he’d be damned if he’d make another by letting her go again without a fight.
Sprinting out of the building, he rounded the corner and almost fell on his ass once again.
Tabitha stood in the driveway.
He slowed to a walk, heart pounding as he drank in the sight of her. She looked like shit. Her ponytail was lopsided, the golden waves tangled. Her complexion had a gray cast to it and her makeup was smudged under her eyes. The baggy sweatshirt she wore with her gray leggings was on inside out. He’d never seen her more disheveled.
Or more beautiful.
Had never been more relieved or grateful than in that very moment.
Yes, she’d left.
But she’d come back.
And he was going to do everything in his power to convince her to stay.
He knew.