But that ended here and now. She’d told Reed this morning she couldn’t keep letting him tug her close only to push her away.

It was time she took responsibility for her own actions. For the choices she made. For how she let him treat her.

It was time for summer to end.

Chapter 49

Miles didn’t know what was worse.

The fact that it was after eight p.m. and Tabitha still hadn’t returned any of his texts and his last call to her fifteen minutes ago had gone directly to voicemail.

That his mind was so completely fucked up that he couldn’t stop thinking of all the ways she could be hurt.

That he was sitting in his car parked across the street from her dark apartment waiting for her to come home like a stalker.

Or that Katarina stood in the road in a pair of black leggings, a tight, cropped gray tank top, and flip flops.

And was tapping on his window.

She tapped again.

The last one. Definitely.

He pushed the button to roll down the window.

“She’s not here,” Kat said.

“Have you seen her?”

She raised her eyebrows. “I wasn’t aware I was in charge of keeping tabs on your girlfriend.”

Frustration tightened his jaw. He liked Kat. Okay, maybe like wasn’t the right word. But he didn’t dislike her, either.


If only because he knew she was really pissed at one Jennings in particular.

And since she couldn’t take that irritation—or chunk of ass—out of Silas’s hide, she took it out on the next best thing.

His brothers.

Miles got that. They all understood where she was coming from and why, and none of them blamed her for feeling the way she did.

But sometimes a man had to stop doing what was best for everyone else and for once, do what was best for him.

Even if that meant showing his biggest vulnerability to the one woman who’d be more than happy to use that weakness against him.

“I’m worried about her,” he admitted, his hands curled around the steering wheel. “She’s not returning my texts or calls—”

“Maybe she doesn’t want to talk to you.”

Jesus, but this woman went right for the jugular.

Knew exactly what his biggest fear was.

“Maybe. And if that’s the case, I’ll respect her wishes. But I don’t think it is. We didn’t have a fight.”

With a men are clueless snort, Kat crossed her arms. “Doesn’t mean you didn’t say something you shouldn’t have.”