It wasn’t the confession of feelings she’d sought. It wasn’t a vow of trust or words of forgiveness.
It wasn’t what she wanted to hear.
But it was true. Real.
As true as the way he watched her, open and honest and humble. As if her granting him the right to touch her would be a gift. An honor.
As real as the way his thumb brushed back and forth under her ear. The fingers of his other hand moving down her arm, then back up to trail a wake of warmth along the side of her neck.
Any resistance Tabitha had blew away like smoke in the wind.
Oh, her doubts were still there, whispering in her ear. And her fears remained, as strong as ever, dark and heavy and intimidating.
But neither were any match for the hope that burned, big and bright and bold.
Or the want that vibrated, low and steady and warm, through her blood.
So, no, she couldn’t let this man touch her and not have her feelings involved.
But that was all right.
Because his feelings were involved, too.
Turning, she set the tote on the counter next to the sink, then faced him again. “I want you to touch me, Miles,” she told him, knowing he needed the words. Proud of herself for being brave enough to say them. “I want you to make me feel good.”
He inhaled, sharp and swift, his eyes flashing, and she thought for sure he would finally, finally kiss her.
He didn’t.
And it was hard to be disappointed when he grinned at her, slow and easy and so sexy it was a wonder her ovaries didn’t shoot off fireworks in honor of it.
Crossing his arms, he nodded at her shorts. “Take them off.”
Back to being King Miles. In control of himself and his actions.
In charge of her and her pleasure.
Her stomach tumbled with nerves. With excitement. The ache in her pussy intensified.
They’d played this game before. She knew the rules. Just as she knew who would wind up winning in the end.
And it didn’t matter that it wouldn’t be her.
She’d won other things.
Miles’s attention. His desire. A little bit of his trust.
And possibly, one day, even his forgiveness.
Who knew? She might even win his heart again.
That didn’t seem so far out of the realm of possibility now. Not nearly as much as it had a few hours ago.
Didn’t seem nearly as scary as it once had.
Holding his gaze, she slid her shorts down her legs. Unlike last time, when he’d watched her struggle to maintain her balance as she’d stepped out of her skirt, this time he steadied her with a hand under her arm.
Unlike last time, when she was unsure of herself and him, when she doubted her own instincts and his motivations, this time she trusted them both.