I needed a drink so that I could get my head straight and figure out my plan of action. Marking my territory was a really good suggestion, but as angry as I was at Noah in that moment, I’d probably mess around and yank his nuts off with my bare hands. And that would get pretty gruesome, thereby defeating the purpose of not causing a scene.

As I turned to look toward the bar, I saw David Stone standing there. All alone. A plan started to formulate in my head, one that I fully intended to implement, because I knew that if there was even one ounce of Noah’s possessive nature for me left, what I was about to do would most certainly force him to pay attention.

“You two go ahead,” I said to Lexi and Polly. “I’m just going to grab a drink and take a moment to calm down before I hike up my skirt to piss on Noah’s leg.”

“Have I told you lately that I love you?” Lexi asked with a look of adoration on her face, and then she bumped her shoulder into mine. “Grab me a shot of Patrón, will ya?”

“Sure thing, and thanks,” I said with a genuine smile before I turned and headed toward the bar. David Stone was my weapon of choice for making Noah Crawford feel just as insignificant as he’d made me feel.

“Patrón Silver, on the rocks, two,” I told the bartender when he greeted me.

“Well, hello there, little lady,” the scumball of an ass fucker said as he sidled up next to me—just as I’d hoped he would. He reeked of cologne that would have smelled good if it had been applied in a smaller dose. Plus, there was a lethal dose of obnoxygen spilling from his pores. I recognized the scent because Polly gave off a little bit of it, too. Luckily, she had been only mildly contaminated, whereas David Stone was obviously the poster child for it.

“Hi yourself,” I answered him, turning on the charm.

He introduced himself, extending his hand. “David Stone.”

I returned the cordial greeting, taking his offered hand. “Delaine Talbot.”

“Wow! Nice bracelet. A gift?” He examined the cuff bracelet that marked Noah’s territory like a jeweler sizing up its worth. “Crawford, huh? You related to Noah?”

“Thanks. And no, Noah is my boyfriend. You know him?” I asked, knowing he did, but playing the part oh so well.

“Yeah. We’re the best of buds, practically family. Funny, he never mentioned you. Must be his dirty little secret,” he said playfully.

“I guess you could say that. He doesn’t like to share, so he keeps me hidden away.”

“Such a shame. A diamond like you should be on display for the whole world to see.”

I almost gagged at his lame attempt at complimenting me, but I kept the smile on my face as I looked over and made sure Noah was watching, which he most certainly was. So I stepped closer to David and ran my fingers under the lapel of his jacket. Never dropping the pretense I was putting on for Noah’s benefit, I leaned in and said, “Well, see … I know all about you.”

“Do you, now?” He moved in closer, his voice deep and seductive. “You can’t believe everything you hear, you know. Jealousy can make some people very spiteful.”

“Mmm. You’re absolutely right,” I agreed. “But I don’t think that was the case here.”

He inched even closer and put a hand on my hip while ogling my cleavage. “Well, now you’ve piqued my interest. Do tell. What have you heard?”

“You were Noah’s best friend, but then you went and screwed that tramp over there behind his back. I guess technically it was from behind her back, but still,” I said with a shrug as my fingers followed his lapel up and around the collar to his neck. “So it would seem that Noah is absolutely warranted in wanting to keep me his little secret. However, what he fails to realize is that not every woman is as easily susceptible to falling prey to the likes of you.”

“Is that right?” he asked with a confident smile, baring his canines, which only proved my point.

I nodded, still maintaining a flirtatious smile. “I see you for what you really are.”

“And what is that, exactly?”

“You’re a leech, a parasite, a common remora.”

He shifted from one foot to the other, clearly not liking my assessment. “What the hell is a remora?”

“Remoras are those little fish that cling to sharks and other stronger, more powerful species in the seas. They use them to get around that big ol’ ocean without having to do any of the legwork themselves. They feed off the leftover scraps of food from their host, and sometimes even the host’s feces,” I explained in a voice that reminded me a lot of a kindergarten teacher talking to her students.

“See, in this equation, Noah would be the shark; working hard, fighting for every meal, making his own way. But you … you’re the parasitic remora, feasting off his shit and doing your best to gather up his leftovers while you wait for everything to be handed to you.” I smiled broadly, my expression a total contradiction to the words I spoke.

“You prey on a person’s weaknesses and twist them until you find a way to capitalize on them, thereby filling the empty void in your own life, if only for a moment. I feel sorry for you, truly, I do. But if, for even a millisecond, you see me as a potential chink in Noah’s armor that you can use against him, you better think again. Unlike you, and that ex of his, my loyalty to Noah Crawford knows no bounds. I live and breathe for him and him alone.”

He swallowed hard and then chuckled. “Goddamn, woman. You just gave me a hard-on the size of California.”

“California, huh? Not bad.” I nodded. “But Noah wins again. He may not be Texan, but his cock obviously is. And you know what they say: everything’s bigger in Texas, darlin’.” I caught a glimpse from the corner of my eye of Noah on the fast track toward us, so I took a step back.

“I’m glad I got to meet you, David Stone. I wish I could say it was a pleasure, but I’d be lying. Toodles!” I tucked my purse under my arm and then grabbed my drink, along with Lexi’s before I turned and walked away.

I’d only made it about ten feet before Noah reached me. And boy, was he pissed. His hazel eyes had turned steel gray and his nostrils flared slightly in anger as he gave me a death glare. He grabbed my arm and pulled me right next to him so that he could talk without being overheard by everyone around us. His body gave off waves of malice, and he shot daggers in David’s direction. “What the fuck do you think you’re doing?”