Now why did the bastard have to go and act all sweet like that? I don’t know about the rest of you ladies, but I found it incredibly hard to hate someone who was being nice to me.

Double Agent Coochie thought we should show our appreciation. Benedict Arnold was switching sides on me in favor of the O. And there you have it—Super Cooch was hopelessly addicted to the Wonder Peen, and they were joining forces to form the dastardly duo.




I woke the next morning to find that I was lying on my back, which wasn’t how I usually slept. Something warm and heavy was on my stomach, and I cracked an eye open to investigate. Dark, tousled hair tickled my skin with each rise of his head forced by my inhalation. He was on his side, his face positioned just far enough down my body to allow his hot breath to spill across the sensitive flesh of my nether region. I closed my eyes and swallowed thickly at the sensation, feeling more like a woman than I ever had. It was a very good feeling.

Noah shifted in his sleep, and it drew my attention to the warmth of his hand on the inside of my thigh, dangerously close to my center. I moaned at the dual sensation of his breath and touch and then clamped a hand over my mouth to stifle the sound, hoping like crazy he hadn’t heard me.

Double Agent Coochie had most definitely heard me. She was waggling her brows and motioning for me to shove his head between my legs. Please go back to sleep, Slutty McSlutterson.

Noah mumbled something and turned his face into my stomach. His movement actually brought his head closer to my pussy, and I arched a brow at Coochie, wondering where she’d gotten the superpowers to actually make that happen. Shameless hussy.

He cupped my thigh and slid his hand up far enough that his fingers were resting against my slit, and I instinctively pushed my hips into him. I didn’t mean to. It just sort of happened, a reflex or something like that.

“Mmm,” Noah mumbled in his sleep. At least I was pretty sure he was still asleep.

And I’ll be damned if that sound, coupled with his proximity to my girly parts, didn’t make me all horny. I started doing some mental calculations, wondering if I could possibly get off on him while he slept, with him never being the wiser. But of course that would’ve depended greatly on how heavy a sleeper he was. And let’s face it, I wasn’t exactly experienced in that area.

But then I suddenly remembered his words from the limo: “I’m here for your pleasure just as much as you are for mine.”

So I decided to test the validity of what he had said. You know, to see if he was a man of his word and all. It was purely for experimental purposes, so don’t get all judgmental on me.

With one hand I ran my fingers through his hair, while the other brushed along his broad shoulder and down the length of his arm until I found the hand between my legs. Noah stirred a little more, snuggling into my stomach. I couldn’t see his face, which meant I also couldn’t see his eyes to know if he was awake. Regardless, I kept going.

I laced my fingers through his and lifted his hand to cup my pussy. The weight of his hand there sent shivers through my body and I was instantly wet. His palm rested over my clit, providing a delicious pressure that forced a tiny mewl from my lips. I covered his fingers with mine and manipulated them to move how I wanted them to between my wet folds. I thought I heard Noah take a sharp breath, but to be honest, with all the other sensations I was feeling at the time, I couldn’t actually be sure that it wasn’t all in my head.

Pushing his middle finger lower, it circled over my opening before I forced it inside my body along with my own. I was a little sore from the previous night, but not terribly so. In and out I worked his long finger. It wasn’t the same as when he actually had control of his own movements and touched me the way he wanted to touch me, as only the King of the Finger Fuck could. Frustrated, I removed his finger and moved it along my wetness to tease my clit instead.

Both of our fingers were drenched in my arousal, effortlessly moving over the tight knot of nerves at the apex of my folds as I worked myself into a frenzied state. I could feel him twitching, definitely awake and wanting to move of his own accord. But he didn’t. He left me in control, and I wasn’t sure that I even really wanted it at that point. I just wanted to get off.

So I dipped two of his fingers inside me and brought them back out, hoping to entice him into taking over. When that didn’t work, I lifted his hand and brought the same fingers to his mouth, dragging them across his lips, teasing him, practically begging him to want more than the taste.

I felt his lips brush against my fingers as he drew his own into his mouth. He hummed his gratification softly, the delicious sound sending another gush of arousal from my center and down my trembling thighs. I started to pull away, but his unrelenting grip on my wrist was like a shackle. With quiet determination he then brought my soaked fingers to his wicked lips as well, repeating the action as he greedily sucked one into his mouth until my skin tingled in pleasure at the thoroughness of his tongue. After lapping up all of my juices on that one finger, he moved his attention to the other. The man had mad Hoover skills that went directly to my clit, and it pulsed in response.

“There’s more where that came from,” I whispered suggestively. Then I pulled at his hair with my free hand and nudged him forward.

“You’re actually giving me an open invitation?” His husky voice was thick with sleep.

“I’m giving you what we both want,” I said as I lifted my hips in unspoken invitation, hoping to entice him to respond.

Before I even had a chance to lower myself to the bed, Noah had flipped over and was now between my legs, his nose skimming my swollen clit while his lips hovered dangerously close to where I wanted him to be.

“You fucking make me crazy, Delaine,” he groaned. “You shouldn’t offer yourself so willingly to someone who’s supposed to disgust you. It doesn’t make any sense.”

I sighed. “I do believe you said you love a woman who knows what she wants? Well, right now, what I want is your mouth on me.” Don’t ask me where or how an inexperienced, recently de-virginalized person such as myself got the nerve to say something like that. It was just as much a mystery to me, but it felt natural nonetheless.

I rolled my hips toward his face to accentuate my point.

He growled, baring his perfect teeth at me. Then he closed his eyes and took a deep breath. “No.”

“No?” I asked, confused.

Double Agent Coochie’s mouth dropped open in shock.