“Relax, baby,” I whispered in her ear. My breathing was out of control and I was nuzzling her neck trying to compose myself while the head of my cock was still just barely inside her. Fuck, she smelled so good and she felt even better.

“I want you so fucking bad,” I panted, still not moving for fear that I would take her. “Goddamnit, why do you feel so fucking good?”

My cock throbbed with the need to pound into her tight pussy. A little voice inside my head screamed for me to thrust, grind, pull, thrust, grind, pull. Maybe if I just allowed myself a tiny bit more …

“Don’t move, kitten,” I murmured against the nape of her neck.

I inched forward minutely, feeling her walls constrict around me as I allowed the entire head of my cock to be encompassed by her. A minuscule amount of movement was all I allowed myself.

“Don’t … move.” My voice was practically begging her as I squeezed my eyes shut and fought back the urge to give my cock exactly what he wanted.

A tiny whimper escaped her throat and I felt her hand slip between her thighs to stroke me.

“Fuck!” I pulled out of her abruptly and shot out of bed.

“What? What’s wrong?” She sat up, confused.

“Goddamnit! You can’t do shit like that, Delaine! It’s taking every ounce of control I have not to fuck the living daylights out of you right now, and you go and encourage me! What were you thinking?”

She bowed her head and let her hair fall like a curtain to shield her face from me. She rocked back and forth with her forehead on her knees as she mumbled. “I don’t know. I guess I thought you’d like it. You just felt so good,” she groaned.

Well, what do ya know? She fucking wanted it, too.

A giant smile spread across my face, and I stalked back toward the bed, my dick still at full mast and ready to give her what we both wanted. And then my cocksucker of a goddamn motherfucking son-of-a-bitch cell phone started ringing. I had half a mind to chuck the fucker out of the damn window, but I knew I couldn’t.

I groaned and walked over to the nightstand where it sat, my dick bobbing up and down with my movement. “Crawford!” I barked into the phone.

“Good morning, Mr. Crawford. I hope I didn’t wake you,” replied the nasal voice of David’s secretary.

“What do you want, Mandy?”

“Mr. Stone wanted me to let you know that he’s called an emergency meeting of the board members in light of the recent crisis,” she said.

“What crisis?”

“Have you not seen the news? The stock market is plummeting all over the place due to the oil spill. Scarlet Lotus’s holdings have taken a real hit.”

“Son of a …” I started, wiping at my face. “Fine. I’ll be in right away. Tell Mason to wait for me downstairs with the latest reports.”

I hung up the phone without another word and turned to Delaine. “I’m sorry, but I won’t be able to take you shopping today.”

“What am I supposed to do about clothes? Wear more of your things?” she asked with much attitude as she finally looked up at me.

“As much as I love to see you wearing my clothes, I don’t really have anything small enough for you.” And then I got an idea. “I’ll have Polly take you instead. She has great taste.”

I pulled my wallet out of the nightstand drawer and took out the gold card. “Here. Don’t be worried about how much you spend; I’m sure Polly won’t be. I’ll call her and let her know what you’ll need, but you can get anything else that you’d like.”

“And in the meantime?” she asked, looking down at herself. “I can’t exactly go out looking like this.”

“I’ll have Polly bring something of hers for you to borrow.”

I dialed Polly on my way to the bathroom and filled her in on what Delaine needed in her wardrobe, saving the lingerie shopping for me to do with her, of course. There would be parties that we would need to attend, and I wanted to be sure she was dressed appropriately. Of course Polly was all too happy to take Delaine on a shopping spree on my dime. I warned her not to be too pushy with Delaine and to let her pick some things out on her own. I also gave her explicit instructions not to pry. Anything Delaine wanted her to know, she’d share of her own accord.

When I had finished getting dressed, I gave Delaine last-minute instructions. “Don’t tell her anything about our arrangement, no matter how hard she digs for the information. Tell her what you want of your personal life, but as far as anyone knows, we met in LA. I should be home around six. Make sure you’re waiting for me at the door.”

With that, I picked her up, accosted her mouth with a rough kiss, and let her fall back to the bed. “I was really looking forward to having you model lingerie for me today. Another time.” I winked and playfully smacked her ass before grabbing my briefcase and jacket.

I hated having to leave her like that to deal with Polly alone on their very first meeting, but I had no choice. Hopefully she’d be strong enough to deal with Polly, or evasive enough to keep her at bay for the time being. Plus I was really hoping the whole shopping spree thing would soften the blow by keeping Polly too distracted to pry.

I could only hope. …




“Hello? Is anybody home?” I heard a singsong voice call from the entryway. “Delaine? It’s me, Polly, personal shopper extraordinaire, here to whisk you away to what I consider to be paradise.”

I hurried down the staircase, wearing the same shirt I had put on the night before for dinner. And, as embarrassed as I was to meet a stranger for the first time in nothing but my john’s shirt, I really had no other choice.

“Make sure the silver gets polished this week, and tell the cook to change tonight’s menu to pot roast.” Polly scribbled something on a paper attached to a clipboard and then handed it back to the same maid who had given me directions to the kitchen yesterday morning. “Thanks, Beatrice. You’re all doing a wonderful job, as usual.”

She looked up then and saw me. “Oh, hey!” Obviously she was one of those cheery morning-person types. Her hair was platinum blond and bouncy, and she was so smiley and unbelievably gorgeous that she reminded me of a high school cheer captain in an eighties movie. It was almost infectious, and part of me wanted to punch her for making me feel like that.

“Um, hi,” I said awkwardly. “Lanie Talbot.”