Instead of nudging her off, instead of pushing for more or helping her to fly, he was trying to get her to stand still. To take her time and maintain her balance while he tied safety lines to her so if she did slip, she wouldn’t fall.
He was trying to save her. To keep her from getting hurt.
Except, it was too late for that. It already hurt, and while she couldn’t avoid it, she could numb it.
If only for a little while.
And if Urban wouldn’t let her fall off that tightrope, there was only one thing left to do.
She had to jump.
“Please, let me,” she breathed against his lips, soft and entreating. “Let me have this…”
Let me hide.
Let me pretend.
Let me lie.
One last time.
Chapter Thirty-Six
Something was wrong.
Worse. Something had changed.
Somewhere between what had been one of the top three best sexual experiences of his life—the other two being his and Willow’s first time together and that evening in their office and yeah, he realized she was the common denominator—and him saying her name, something had shifted between.
Urban wished like hell he knew what.
Whatever it was, it was a big enough shift to have the earth shaking beneath him. To have Willow latching onto him like she wanted to climb inside of him, her mouth moving over his frantically once again, her hands going from his hair to his face to his shoulders and back in a frenzy of movement.
Important enough to have her begging.
Let me have this…
She wanted him to hand over his control.
The way she’d trusted him by handing over hers.
Which, Christ, he’d love to do. Just the idea of her using him for her own gratification, of her telling him what to do to her, how, exactly, she wanted him to please her, had his throat drying and his cock stiffening.
But he couldn’t. His gut told him he needed to keep a tight hold of the reins.
Warned him that if he gave her what she wanted, he’d end up lost.
They were heading somewhere; some inevitable destination he instinctively knew he didn’t want to go. He had to delay it. He just needed time to think. To plan.
Time to figure out a way to steer them in the direction he wanted them to go.
And he couldn’t do that when she pushed him with her soft, seeking hands and voracious kisses. With her swollen lips and mussed hair. With her flushed skin and the scent of her arousal filling his every breath.
Even his own body was betraying him. He couldn’t stop kissing her back, even if he did try to calm that kiss down. Couldn’t stop touching her, his fingers gliding over the curve of her waist, diving into the silkiness of her hair.
He’d just come so hard his knees had almost buckled and his cock was once again hard and throbbing against the soft skin of her belly. Pushing him to take even more of her softness. Seeking more of her heat and wetness.