Page 184 of Holding On To Good

More of his body. His touch. His kisses.

More time than she could have.

That was the problem. Over the past two weeks, they’d had sex just about every way imaginable. And a couple she hadn’t considered before but had been happily convinced of their merits.

And she still wanted Urban with an urgency, an intensity she’d never felt with any other man.

It was a problem.

A big one.

Compromising with Urban hadn’t been her mistake.

Or at least, not her first one. Not her biggest.

Going to him and suggesting they have a fling was.

They could’ve gotten past the initial kiss. The second one. They even could’ve moved on from that fast and furious fuck in his living room.

But she’d been greedy. Selfish.


She’d actually convinced herself that giving into her craving for Urban would assuage it.

That, after sixteen years, a few weeks or months of sex with the man she’s always loved would lessen her want for him.

Instead she wanted him even more.

His fault for being so damned good with his hands.

And his mouth.

And that trick he did with his tongue.

She was about to suggest he lay her on a flat surface so he could practice that amazing feat, when she felt his fingertips brush the skin at the side of her ribs, tickling her.

Then, the sound of fabric tearing penetrated her brain.

She jerked in response, her eyes wide, her pulse racing with excitement.

Holy shit, he’d just ripped her shirt in two.

Just tore it apart like the silky fabric was nothing more than paper.

And while part of her wanted to be angry—she really did love this top, the way the material clung to her boobs made them seem almost ample instead of barely there—she couldn’t find it within herself to be upset.

Urban literally ripping the clothes from her body to get to her skin was the hottest thing a man had ever done to her.

And considering some of the things this man had done, including but not limited to that tongue trick, that was saying something.

Without pause, he tugged the loose strap over her head, leaving the shirt to hang off her right arm while he made quick work of unfastening her strapless bra. He tossed it aside.

Only to have Bella snatch it from the air and give it a hard shake, her body trembling in joy over her new chew toy.

Oh, well. A shirt and her best strapless bra were small prices to pay for having Urban’s hands cupping her breasts, his thumbs stroking her nipples to hard peaks. She’d gladly let him and his dog destroy all her clothes if it meant being able to see him like this, confident and a bit cocky.

It was in the way his hands moved over breasts, his touch sure and possessive. The way he pinched and rolled her nipples, drawing a response from her. Demanding one. The way he watched his hands on her, his eyes dark with want, his face drawn in rigid lines.