Page 151 of Holding On To Good

Willow did another sidestep, mouth pursed. “You can’t really tell, can you? You just said that to get a reaction out of me.”

“Of course. Works like a charm every time.”

“Why are you here again?”

“Your mother invited me.”

And Hayden would do anything for Nadine. Even get up at noon—an ungodly hour to Hayden—to join the Kincaids for their weekly Sunday brunch.

“It’s always the mother’s fault,” Willow grumbled.

“Hey, now, don’t be blaming Nadine.” Hayden added a slice of spinach frittata to her plate. “It’s not her fault you’re so easy to read.”

“You just said you guessed,” Willow said as they moved down the line another step.

“More like I made an educated assumption based on the evidence provided to me. I’m like a detective that way.”

“Wow. A couple of weeks ago you were an armchair psychiatrist. Now a detective? Is there nothing you can’t do?”

“As I just mentioned, I’m filled with many, many talents. And you made it way too easy with your non-answers about how your date went and how quiet you’ve been.” She nodded at Willow’s plate. “Not to mention all those sugary carbs.”

Willow glanced at her plate. Maybe the waffle, pancakes, two slices of French toast, chocolate filled crepe, cinnamon scone and blueberry bagel with strawberry cream cheese were overkill.

She picked up the bagel. Took a big, crunchy bite.


“I like sugary carbs,” she said around her sugary carb mouthful.

“Don’t we all? But that’s not like or even love. That’s a cry for help. You okay?”

Okay? Was she okay? A laugh bubbled up in Willow’s throat and as it was on the edge of hysterical, she swallowed it back down. “I’m fine.”

“You sure?” Hayden asked as they rounded the end of the buffet and started down the other side. “I mean, I’m the last one to judge and that is not what I’m doing…”

“But?” Willow asked, because there was definitely a but coming, even if Hayden wanted it to be a non-judgy one.

“But it’s not like you to sleep with someone on the first date.”

She’d told Hayden about her drinks date with Finn when they’d met for lunch yesterday so now, of course, Hayden thought he was the man Willow had sex with.

“It wasn’t a first date,” Willow admitted.

“What do you mean?” Hayden asked. “You went out with Finn before and didn’t tell me?”

“No. Last night was the first time I went out with Finn.”The woman in line behind Willow cleared her throat pointedly, and Willow realized they’d broken the most sacred and firmly held rule of buffet lines.

No Stopping.

Hayden took Willow by the elbow and tugged her out of line.

“Hey,” Willow said, trying to dig in her heels. “We didn’t even get to the cookies yet.”

But kept right on tugging and weaving them around people and tables until they stood in the alcove leading to the patio area and pool.

“Explain,” Hayden demanded.

Willow sighed. “I wasn’t with Finn last night. I mean, I was with him long enough to have a drink but I wasn’t… with him… with him.”