This was why she usually just left in in the console.
Slamming to a stop, she tipped her head back and shut her eyes against the urge to cry again, this time in frustration. Urgency rushed through her. She had to get to Urban. Now. Right now. She couldn’t wait another second, didn’t want to take the time even to go back inside for her keys or her shoes.
She’d already waited long enough.
Oh, God. What if she’d waited too long?
What if she was too late?
Heart thudding, ears ringing, her eyes flew open and she turned toward the sound of her name.
Toward the sound of that oh, so familiar voice.
Urban was jogging toward her from the well-lit parking lot wearing dark gray dress pants and a white button-down shirt. Then he was there, right there, at the edge of the wide sidewalk, so handsome and perfect.
And hers.
Always hers.
“Are you okay?” he asked.
She couldn’t think. Couldn’t speak. She shook her head. Then nodded. “I… You… What?”
Frowning, he took a step closer. “Are you all right? You ran out of there like the building was on fire.”
“I’m fine. Everything’s fine.”
Shoulders lowering in relief, he took another step closer, his gaze sliding over her, expression softening.
“You look beautiful,” he said, his voice a low, soft thrum. “But then, you’re always beautiful. I should have told you that. I should have let you know every day how beautiful you are to me.”
“Urban…” She swallowed hard. “What are you doing here?”
“I’ve been here.”
She looked over her shoulder at the building, the muted sounds of the heavy bass from whatever song the band was playing vibrating the double doors. “What? I didn’t see you.”
Rubbing the back of his neck, he sent her a sheepish look. “I… uh… didn’t go inside. I’ve been sitting in my truck.”
Holding her gaze, he dropped his arm and took yet another step closer. “Guess I’m not ready to stop waiting for you after all.”
Her breath caught, held in her chest by a mix of relief and hope.
Relief she hadn’t lost him.
Hope that she never would.
“Urban, I—”
The door opened and a couple came stumbling out—the man because he was obviously wasted, the woman because she was trying to keep him upright.
Urban took a hold of Willow’s hand and tugged her to the side. “Can we take a walk?” he asked quickly, giving the couple a nod as they passed. “Or do you need to get back inside?”
“Yes. I mean, no, I don’t need to go back. And I’d love to take a walk with you, but…” She lifted her bare foot.