Page 225 of Holding On To Good

If he’d given himself more than two seconds to decide if this was a good idea or not, he would’ve been able to talk himself out of it.

He took in her smooth hair and pink lips, her bare legs and strappy high heels.

Maybe. He maybe would’ve been able to talk himself out of it.

“Yeah,” she said with an it’s no big deal shrug and bored tone. “I’m positive.”

The cop didn’t seem to believe her. Lowering his head, he murmured something in her ear that had her glancing back at Reed before nodding.

“Promise?” the cop asked her.

She crossed her heart with her pinkie, held that pinkie out for the cop to link with his. “Promise.”

Whatever she’d just sworn to do—or not do—was enough to have the cop stepping back.

“Come on,” she said to Reed. “I want to get this over with.”

Then she turned on one of those high heels, the hem of her dress swirling against her bare thighs and marched onto the dance floor.

Like she expected him to scamper after her like a goddamn puppy.

He didn’t. He shoved his hands into his pockets and took his time, so that when he reached her, she stood next to a gyrating couple, pissed off and impatient with her hip cocked and arms crossed.

He walked up to her just as “Uptown Funk” ended.

And a slow song started.

His stomach plummeted.


He’d asked her to dance thinking he could handle standing in front of her, moving his feet from side to side to some upbeat pop song. Figured that as long as he kept distance between them, as long as he didn’t touch her, he’d be able to go through with this idiot plan.

Now he was fucked.

Story of his life.

“You can still change your mind,” she said, half snide, as if she had some secret insight into his thoughts.

Half-hopeful, as if she didn’t want him to touch her, either.

A few weeks ago she’d wanted his hands on her. Had wanted him to kiss her. Had pressed those lush curves against him and stroked his neck with her soft fingers.

Tempted him with her soft words.

And he’d been a complete dick to her.

He didn’t regret it.


But he’d be damned if he’d give up this chance, this one last opportunity to be close to her.

He wouldn’t give up this chance to pretend for the next five minutes that he could have something decent. That he deserved someone so kind and smart and good.

That she could be his.

Selfish asshole that he was, he closed the distance between them. Her eyes widened. Her breathing quickened as she uncrossed her arms.